Winter season is often accompanied by problems with the hair
- hair loss, fragility, dandruff, etc.
Dandruff is one of the most common problem for both sexes in
the case, which of course, is not pleasant for anyone.
The reason for this can be many things: a weakened immune
system, stress ... all this leads to dryness. If you still can not have found
an efficient way to search for and you are not bored, because today is very
effective and useful suggestions.
Aloe, honey, sesame oil, apple cider vinegar - Home
damkhmareebia your hair!
To get rid of dandruff home, you will need:
Aloe leaves;
7 FC Sesame oil;
2 tbsp Honey;
4 spoons Vashis vinegar;
20 FC Water.
The first stage requires large eloes lower leaves, which
must be washed, moachrat upper skin and needles. Put yourself in the skin of
the aloe and wait 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix sesame oil, honey and apply the hair roots to
ends. Gently massage your hair and carefully comb through;
Rinse your hair with apple dzmriani preferably water.
Another 30 minutes and at the end you can rinse shampoo nighavi.