Considered effective for all those masks and hair removal products, which activates the dormant hair bulbs, and increase blood flow.
Here are some of the most popular and effective, and results-rated hair removal masks and other means:
Kepirisa and cinnamon mask - half a cup of yogurt, add 1 egg yolk, 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon and mix well. Apply a mix of clean and slightly damp hair. Wrap the towel and leave on for half an hour. Rinsing can be without shampoo. Hair Removal Tips The mask is used once a week for two months.
Blue clay mask - Mix two tablespoons of blue clay, one tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of honey and egg yolk. Add the mixture to the consistency of water and massage into the hair roots. Repeat once a week and after the tests.
Pepper and alcohol tincture - pepper vitamins number one priority vegetable cultures. It leads to the strengthening of the skin blood flow and metabolic activation process, which delays the process of hair loss.
Preparing the solution is simple: 1 part pepper Pour 10 parts of 70% alcohol. Set up one week and stir. The solution is part of the Open 10 anadugheb water and rub his seniors of 2-3 times a week. Preferably overnight.
Parsley (Petrushka) milk - 20 grams of parsley, pour 200 ml of water, replace the well and leave in the dark for 2 weeks. Then remove excess water and massage into the hair roots so as not to rinse. Do this every other day for a month.
Panthenol mask - Mix one egg yolk, one tablespoon of castor oil and a tablespoon of olive oil. Stir well, Warm water bath and add a tablespoon of Panthenol gel, cream or Panthenol.
You can add a little yogurt mask. Apply to hair, warmly sheikhviet and leave for an hour. Rinse shampoo through. If you are not able to produce a mask, a massage gel Panthenol hair root.
Aloe mask - leave aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 10-12 days, after gamoughet juice and rub the hair roots. You can not rinse.
Highly effective for hair removal in the case of the second mask: Take one tablespoon of aloe juice, one tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of garlic juice, add one egg yolk. Put on a mask and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Chapter daitbilet polyethylene or pirsakhotsit.gaimeoret tests.
Egg heart honey birkavas oil - Take one tablespoon birkavas oil, a tablespoon of honey and 2 egg yolks. Mix well and massage into the hair roots. Leave for 1 hour. This mask is very effective to not only stop hair loss, but also to actively combat dandruff.
Chinchrisa mask and oil - Get a package of dry nettle (sold in pharmacies), it is possible to live, finely chopped nettle use. Mix any vegetable oil. Place the mixture in a glass container and set it for a week. Then stir before using Warm and dry hair an hour before washing.
Amzhavebuli milk mask - warm milk amzhavebuli Massage hair roots and the entire length of the hair. Wrapped in plastic bag or hat and more heat for khaoiani Wrap towel. Half an hour later you can rinse off the lemon juice diluted with warm water (shampoo is not recommended).