1. Warm-roughened hands smooth, refined vegetable oil: Apply and leave on for 5 minutes, and then daishret.
2.khelebi gentle and you will have a white or 2-3 tablespoons of milk-based potato puree add 11 ch.k 3% hydrogen mass zezhangs.mighebuli hands Apply 5 minutes.
3. If foot brackets giqvitldebat and sliced enough, 10 walnut tree leaf and cook for two weeks, did you take a ten-minute baths.
4. Do you have a freckle-faced look, every day Apply lemon juice and 3% hydrogen peroxide mixture.
5.khelebis smooth take an equal number of salt, mustard powder, and filtered sour navti.miighebt konstitensiis mass in the hands of a good massage before bedtime.
6.khelebsa body and white spots is good to get rid of unripe figs juice (milk).
7.prchkhilebis gasamagrelblad needed to do a ten-minute salt baths, and then nails iodine Apply.
8.klasikuri exercise Bust: tits and nice to have that mkrivi, right hand on top of gadaitaret as far back towards the back of the hand and slowly the big circles drawn. Repeat the same with the left khelit.varji each hand 10 times can still be done.
9.mutsel the extra fat is not mogekidebat, if every 2 hours of standing or sitting, you breathe out and breathing in the belly of 8-10 times.
10.tu warts you want to overcome, often apply to savory.
11.organizm iron deficiency hair and nails often dry mtrevas itsvevs.miighet vitamin B12. Eat meat, liver, buckwheat, apples, preferably '' antonovka '', examined the dried fruit, raisins and egg yolk in any form.
12.tmis loss against effective way: small (Room) Chapters pepper or onions 1 (grinding grated), 1 sup.k. Castor oil and mix with each other in the pre-shampoo hair roots sheizilet.tavi sheikhviet plastic, kerchief and then 2 hours to wash himself.
13.tmis roots reinforcement for a month at least 2 hours before washing rub the grated onion, garlic-second month.
14.tmis also a good way to reinforce the roots: 1 piece grated onion, 1 egg yolk, 1 sup.k camphor oil, 2 sup.k honey. The resulting mass is washed up to 2 hours before the massage.
15,100 g. Nettle add 1 l.mzesumziris zeti.tsota long set, stir and bedtime hair root tincture sheizilet.es hair removal is a good tool.
16.tskhimiani strengthen hair roots make the following extract: 3 sup.k oak bark pour 1 l.tsqali.kharshet 15 minutes, then add 20 g. Nettle and oravandis tsveni.sheizilet hair roots 2-3 times a week.
17.tu gtsvivat hairy, bay leaf and cook for infusion hair root massage.
18.chorpli almost gagikrebat, you often look gaitsmendt following solution: 20 g of vinegar, lemon juice 15 g, 10 g of boiling water.
19.sakhi hair removal from the melt film 100g, 40 RS Medical wax, paraffin and 10 g of this kind of hair in warm weighing part daiparet.shemdeg fast motion, once chilled aidzret mass, which will take the tmebsa.
The skin becomes elastic and wrinkles disappear 
20.sakhis honey different masks: 1) 1 1 dessert spoon of milk sup.k honey mix; 2) Add 1 1 ch.k tapls ch.k egg powder or heart and 1 sup.k gherghilis oatmeal; 3) add 1 1 ch.k honey ch.k glycerin and 1 egg yolk; 4) 1 Ch. Stir in 1 cup water for 20 minutes sup.k honey and apply on face.

21.qel constantly must take nourishing creams, because the skin is not unlike here fatty glands.
22.shav perichamelebs easily thrown out half ch.k salt confuse 1 sup.k soap tsqals.shemdeg finger gadaikhviet turban, who was 3% hydrogen peroxide and a circular movement to expose the mass prtkhlad massage the areas where black perichamelebi other gakvt.sakhis Do not miss the places, because it is a mass of porosity kravs.2-3 minutes, rinse face with warm, then cold tsqlit.sakhis strong cleaning up after you inject yeast mask for oily skin case, add 3% hydrogen peroxide and yeast get sour cream consistence masas.normauli kanistvis leaven pour the milk and dry skin -mtsenareuli zeti.sveli cloud or cotton swab Apply the mask on his face; for 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm milk or chamomile infusion diluted with water.
23.tmiani the face, neck, chest, hands and feet better gaiuperulot.khshiri procedures hair thins, and eventually falling completely unnoticed khdeba.amis Pick 1 sup.k hydrogen peroxide, add a few drops of liquid ammonia and grinding the shredded soap (or shaving cream). Apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water ganmavlobashi.shemdeg sheipudret.
24.sakhe to become elastic and fresh, boil the potatoes in a medium-size 1 and kanianad.gaptskvenit asriset, add sour cream or olive zeti.mighebuli 1 ch.k mass upeepsa Apply eye and in the corners, where the fine wrinkles net mochans.sheidzleba also irgvlivata a person; he immediately Apply chamomile tea or infusion in the eye at the top of kutotoeb cotton swabs soaked 20 minutes and rinse under-eye 
25. '' Second '' chin carefully through the next training session is removed: Open the mouth widely, and tracks down the middle finger of the jaws chamokachet.amavdroulad stsaet mouth shut.
26.kosmetika the sea-buckthorn oil for soothing, toning, nourishing way.
27.moshvebuli, gets all wrinkly skin will be good for the next infusion of plant: 1 Fennel ch.k danaqul, oak bark, sage and linden flower pour 2 Ch. A cup of boiling water.
28.tu very red cheeks have one absorbs excess blood leeches daisvit.tsurbelebi painless.
29.perichamela '' Acne '' will have the following solution: 50 g of alcohol, add 2 and 2 pills pills levomitseniti aspirini.aseve good 10% sintomitsinis ointment compresses on the night.
30.tkveni facial skin for a long time to keep the youth in the face of often putting pieces of ice or headscarf posted tovls.gaaketet it every morning or evening.
31.sakhis skin soft, elestiuri, fresh and varpisperi gagikhdebat, if for systematically putting crushed melon pulp mask.
32.moshvebuli akhalganzrdul skin look back, will be cleaned and elastic, if you look at the Cream tsaisvamt, and then putting the hot water and soak in milk and black bread gazhivebul guls.nighabi so hot to be just as much of your skin will tolerate. Rack pat dry mass of the face, then rinse carefully. Repeat this 3 times a week.
Peel and wash with soap 33.sakhis bedtime definitely nothing tsaisvamt, so datsekit.mietsit skin breathe. Otherwise polluted pores and bacteria for good conditions ikmneba.ase chndba skin inflammation, arise perichamelebi and expanding pores.
34.gaukheshebuli heels dailbet soda water for 10-15 minutes. (2 teaspoon of baking soda, add a little cooking water), then the heels the whole night Put grated onion kompresi.dilit wash, brush your heels and greasy cream Apply.
35.dzveli tea infusion gadaighet any vessel, water Blend a morning person and a good tonic for the skin and the face of a brunette in a color daibanet.aseti procedure.
36.tu strong legs giopliandebat water bath add willow, oak and some with vinegar diluted with water and rinse it off and horsetail kerki.shemdeg gathered equal amount taken borismzhavasa and talkis mixture.
Excessive underarm sweating 37.tu have sheunatsvlet each other hot and cold compresses for 2 minutes gamnmavlobashi.oplis emissions and smell reduced.
38.dakhetkil fingers iodine is necessary, then mikoseptinis application.
39.dakhetkili and rough heels are dry, the result of warm soda solution gaikhekhet.mere immediately Apply pure glycerin and Boris jelly.

40.prchkhilebis varnish dries and long mogtsildebat, if my fingers immediately in cold water for 1-2 minutes chahqopt.

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