Healthy figures

The body of the pregnant woman knows all about the changes. At this time everything is changing, character appearance, taste even. This process, unfortunately, does not always lead to positive emotions, especially if accompanied by an unpleasant problem, such as a rash on the face.

General background hormonal changes affect the expectant mother can not, and without consulting a doctor can not. However, this does not mean that you do nothing. Pregnant women can safely use the popular recipes.

• One teaspoon of crushed dried chamomile and marigold (Calendar) pour a cup of boiling water, hold for 10-15 minutes.
After infusion of the grass and remove palimpsest

Between the face of the watch. Gulag lie down for 20 minutes. Nonresident plants kills bacteria and prevents the spread of pimples.

• Chamomile and calendar tincture is not poured out. When cool, add 2 crushed pills suppuration and stirred until the end of the gabardine. Moisten a cotton swab in it and bedtime Apply to face, leave on for the whole night. If this mask regularly use, the skin will look more healthy.

• grated horseradish and sour mix with one another in equal proportions grated apple varieties, apply to face and lie down for 30 minutes gulag. Then rinse. Put the mask every day for 2 weeks.

• Apply a draft beer foam on his face, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse.

• 2-3 times a day every day of raw pumpkin face whatchamacallit wipe. Tenterhook's not being wounded. Every time a new piece of a crop.z

Healthy Figures

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