It is known that some species of plants and fruits have higher diuretic and a laxative effect. Therefore, it is used as the basis for many products for weight loss or they are true teas with the same purpose. Here we will look at some drinks that have been found to strongly influence the ejection of unnecessary substances from the body, detoxification, metabolism and faster bowel movements.

Soft drinks, carbonated and non-carbonated, full of sugar and various preservatives, so it is safer and better defined for squeezed own hand, in which you know what you put. The generally known to vitamin C 'breaks' fats, but the glass is 'fruit' rich it a great way to start your day. Needless to say, the fact of lemonade, hot or cold, the body and health. However, in addition to a child of 8 lemons, drink from it, which "promises to" melt the pounds and cold tea with rosemary. Specifically, to boil a liter of water and to this was added one chopped lemon and 50g of rosemary. This "boil" still some minutes, and be sure to strain it when cool. Keep in refrigerator and every morning to drink after 1 dl before a meal.

However, the beverage that most "gives" dripping from a grapefruit. Scientists of the American Institute of Food and Agricultural Science have found that red grapefruit juice has the most nutrients in relation to any other "hundred percent" juice. This is because this fruit contains large amounts of potassium, folic acid, magnesium and certain carotenoids, which the body converts to vitamin A. Also, it is enough to drink only one glass of juice to meet the daily requirement for vitamin C.

Fasting is good drink and squeezed orange with a teaspoon of honey.

Carrot juice is not effective as citrus fruits in terms of weight loss, but not its effect is not zanemarljiv.Ukoliko "have breakfast" this drink can be downloaded up to 2 kg per month, which is not much, but will enrich the body beta-carotene and pectin and thereby reduce the risk of various lung disease, help your skin ...
All will recommend green tea to speed up your weight loss. However, almost as strong activity in this regard has nettle tea. Just two teaspoons of dried leaves of the nettle pour with Of course, there are various blends of teas available in our pharmacies and stores.
Coffee and probiotic yogurt in addition can have laxative effects and the melting fat and when to add them just one teaspoon of cinnamon. And also, cinnamon can easily dissolve in 1 dl of warm water and drink it in the morning, before breakfast.
The most precious and most body fluids, however, is water. Therefore, drink it as much and do not save it when it comes.

Healthy Figures

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