According to experts and a large number of the woman's response, increased hair loss, scalp massage is an excellent suspensive. Healthy Hair

Of course, this technique will not be able to finally solve the problem, however complex - in the treatment of other drugs significantly improves the condition. Healthy Hair

The most effective professional massage, but the procedure to independently conduct a good effect to stop hair loss. Healthy Hair 

Note that the increased loss, the hair of any intervention should be as careful as possible with great care.

His skin massage, preferably by means of hands or delicate hair brush, the teeth of which have a rounded endings. Healthy Hair 

Massage can be used to do basic: olive oil, castor oil, birkavas, cedar, St. John's wort or wheat germ oils. They can 'instead of a few drops of essential oils of ylang-ylang, sandalwood, mandarin, neroli, chamomile, pine, or cinnamon. Healthy Hair 

Hand massage - a massage increases blood circulation in the skin, and the hair bulbs takes a large amount of nutrients.

Procedure, it is necessary to catch the top of the right palm and press hard at the same time - and the palm of your hand to feel his head khelsiguls 5 seconds, and then perform the same operation on the left hand.

Classical massage - This massage technique involves the skin, sitting or lying position. Initially, the blood circulation to strengthen soft pillows make circular movements of the fingers temples, forehead and neck.

Then, start the finger movement direction of hair growth - down from the ridge - in all directions, from the forehead to the neck, from the ridge to watch. From time to time it is necessary to replace the circular movement - linear, "chkmetiti" gachimviti, point movements. Healthy Hair

This procedure should last 5-10 minutes. After the neck is preferably a masireba.

Hair removal during his massage, experts recommend giving - 2-3 to advance into the hair section and separately to their masireba.

Massage brush through - this procedure is necessary to brush, which is made of natural materials (wood, hard rubber, bristles),

The procedure is to start from the top of the head to the circular movements temples, forehead and the occipital.

After that, it is necessary to repeat the same sequence of massage movements zig-brush.

Aeromasazhi - This procedure is based on his skin a few drops etezetis application (can be used kunjuti (shirbakhti), essential oil of rosemary or black pepper).

Initially oil to massage in circular movements from the bottom of the ridge, and then the skull and neck to the point of the frontal direction.

Massage laser comb through - laser comb innovative device that stimulates hair growth and prevent its loss.

Under the influence of the laser beams, dzlieredeba local blood flow and oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles are supplied in large quantities. As a result, hair becomes healthier and more compacted.

With the help of a laser comb, his massage is recommended for 10-20 minutes every other day, from the top down, curls, curls. Hair must fold the ends of the inner direction.

Massage warm thick towel - this procedure, it is necessary to pre-heat the dry, thick towel, and then tilt and vigorously daisrisot his skin through his 5-10 minutes. Healthy Hair 

Once a week, a massage can be applied in terms of hair removal excellent properties birkavas, abusalatanis or olive oil. The following should sheikhviot warm cloth for 30 minutes, and after this drios carefully wash shapunit.

Some of the features massage - According to experts, it is better to massage before bedtime, or waking.

During the procedure, it is necessary to completely relax and to protect so hygiene (hands must be perfectly clean and nails cut short).

Massage is not recommended if ageghnishnebat high temperatures. Absolutely unacceptable massage Article II-III degree of hypertension, as well as the skin and fungal diseases .

Loss of hair if provoked by hormonal disorders, it is necessary to correct the situation endocrinologist visit, but if the cause is genetic factors, unfortunately all the means used will be less effective.

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