Tumor in the early stages of discovery is entirely possible. For your own body with particular attention mipqrobaa necessary, after which the symptoms of certain groups of people who are worried about. Health and fitness 

There are various types of cancer, which is why its early signs may be skhtsvadaskhvagvari. The common symptoms of a certain group are allowed, which are characteristic of any type of cancer daavadebistvisaa. These symptoms may also be signs of other diseases, which is why Below are a few examples of what the tumor having a solid ground:


Pain arising from cancer in the last stages of the process of nerve endings involved. At the beginning of the disease, the abnormal sensations arise, the person who causes the feeling that ill. Such a process may last for several years. Negligence in the case of a man could be too late to detect. Special attention should be paid to his pain, because the brain tumor is growing rapidly. Can not be attributed to a change in pressure and chronic headache pain, constant pain suppression recommended. Specialist intervention is necessary and appropriate medical inspections.

Quick Weight Loss

Many oncologists believe that the rapid decrease in tumor weight of the first stage of publishers. We are talking about weight gamognebel change for several months. During this period, the body forces the tumor, secrete biologically harmful substances, which are the body's metabolism and prevents them from completely changes.

Constant fatigue

Malignant neoplasm of poisonous substances in the body produces, precisely for this reason the body's intoxication, which is constant vomiting and lethargy revealed. At the same time, the first stage of the tumor causes anemia, which is also the cause of fatigue.

High temperature

Very often, the early stages of cancer, one of the rating, temperature and aukhseneli sudden, unexplained increased. The point is that the body's immune system attacks the cancer, which reacts with fever. Third or fourth stage of cancer, the high temperature of the immune system in the body and the injury may be caused by chronic intoxication.

Hair and skin conditions change

This is because the changes in the tumor metabolism breaks. For example, kidney cancer in the previous period, the skin color changes, it becomes relatively dark. Liver tumors in the skin is yellowish. The symptoms of thyroid cancer, hair loss and nail mtvrevaa easy.

To quietly vidzinot

To make people sleep guaranteed to have the symptoms and the specialist must visit. Some studies of the first stage of the tumor detection, and then conduct the required additional therapies. It should be noted that the high death rate of cancer is not caused by cancer is so much of the metastases in the brain is rapidly spreading. Detailed research is required for detecting the cancer symptoms.

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