If the heart is considered to be the soul of our pockets, brain-intelligence Healthy Figures  
Base, liver rightly be called the body of the central biochemical laboratoria.ghvidzli  
2000 liters of blood a day to work on a lot depends atarebs.mis than Liver Function, 
Tvinisaze.siskhls heart and liver takes everything he gut "absorb" Liver Function, 
Sakvebidan.tu intestines absorb whatever,  toxins and cleansing the blood and a healthy metabolism
Necessities, even unnecessary transfers in the form of bile in the gallbladder. Liver Function, 

If The liver is healthy, ie Liver Function, 
Digestion Liver  Function, 
The process of  
Color and  
Mood of normaluria.tu 
Ill, emerges
Depression and
Melancholy, liver
Disease from
Stage symptoms include weakness, fatigue feeling, labor
Ability and
Loss of appetite, fever, chills, right
Epigastric pain, dark urine, skin
And eyes
Jaundice (viral
A patiti) is called.

This disease
During the liver loses its ability to cleanse the blood, bile pigments is why the yellow color
Skin and eyes.

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Healthy Figures

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