Cigarettes healthy living one of the most powerful enemy. If you want to know whether you will be able to stop smoking then read this post.
Two main paradox
None of the techniques do not work, if the person did not want to smoke for his surrender, say specialists. "They do not lie - a cigarette really want to leave. Lack of motivation can be blamed only for teenagers who have just started smoking. Cigarette prisoner understands how stupid, reckless and damaging his behavior, but can not be started, even though, as addiction specialists argue, tobacco causes physical dependence weaker than alcohol and drugs. Such is the paradox.
There is plenty of opportunity to escape from captivity in tobacco, but the three main directions: psychotherapy, reflex-therapy and medication. And it is impossible to compare the most effective. Scientists are trying to do it either. Why? Because each person's individual nature of cigarettes. The method, which is useful for one thing, is totally unsuitable for another.
Stop smoking!
Smoking cessation all the way down to two main principle: all at once or gradually. Which is better? First unequivocally. If mitovebaa, leave it be! Cigarette reduction gavachianurebt only at the end. The notion that nicotine poison the body converts the time or the need to gradually reduce the dose, are unfounded. The concentration of nicotine in the blood over the last half-hour later reduced to Quit Smoking and tolerate you, the temptation can endure and do not get another dose of nicotine physiological demand disappear in three days. It's not as deeply involved in the metabolic process, that his lack of physical misery. But there are people who have strong physiological or psychological dependence on cigarettes to experience. That is necessary for the aid of special methods.
There are several types of smokers:
Emotional - is engaged in order to calm the mind and pull herself together. Suffered from insomnia, often engages in the night, in bed. By temperament he koleriki, melankoliki or mixed type. Creative person, which is characterized by a sharp emotional feelings, but definitely a negative tone. Such people need to smoke gadasachvevi, the doctor carefully chosen with a complex program. It should be incorporated nicotine, soothing light against insomnia and full refusal of alcohol.
Pragmatist - cigarette smoking delays the process, to continue its care, free time. He enjoys the process. An important ritual of coffee and a cigarette after dinner. He sangvinikia, often highly paid professional or a businessman. Hypnosis, reflexotherapy, psychotherapy and, in general, the doctor could not help him. In this process, the authorities there. He will decide when to stay away or stay away from the smoking. Since the implementation of this decision will help books and sports.
Dependent - nonsense company. Begin smoking friend's influence, often - in his youth. Cigarettes do not like, but does not miss a break in the case of smoking. Can be koleriki the melankoliki and the plegmatiki. Never leave their own cigarettes. Hypnosis to help him, and a long course of psychotherapy. Most will find it easy to quit smoking during the holidays, when the fun differently. At the same time, to review the circle of acquaintances. He desperately needs the support of those around them. It is very intimidating acts, for example, lung or throat cancer.
Smoking in love - does not reject the pernicious habit, because the worship of self. He pulls from the first tobacco cigarette. Smoking refusal could force the health of the real threat. Treatment strict medical supervision. Can help the drugs that cause the cigarette disgust, vomiting, as well as - massage, sauna and nemsoterapia. Smoking is very important to the process of replacement of new hobbies, sports.