This is really the most dangerous products. They contain
harmful substances useful ground for the origin of the tumor. Try less, or not
eat them. Protective care for your health.causes cancer
1. Popcorn (batibuti). Its harmful substances
kantserogenulia and creates a favorable basis to form a tumor.

3. canned tomatoes. Likopini, which tomatoes contain a
powerful antioxidant and good for your body, but in metal jars dakonservebisas
Destroying Chemicals lycopene and promote cancer cell production. There is no
need to opt for tomatoes, get it fresh, or prepared for the winter to keep in
glass jars.causes cancer
4. sausages, canned meat. Chemicals in processed meat
products in a systematic intake damages the body. This is mainly smoked and
canned meat refers to what is called healthy food followers dead. Try to
minimize the consumption of these products during the day.
5. very calorie potato chips, they often do not use
gitchevt, as it may be, the weight of the mogamatebinot. Since the large amount
of sodium, preservatives and flavorings chemical "Bouquet" fertile
ground for cancer cells.
7. Refined oil, which we often use in the preparation of
food, as the heavens and the earth, so it is different from its natural
analogue, vegetable oil. The large number of konservantia, and therefore
dangerous to health. Check the label and buy only when buying a natural oil.causes cancer
8. salted, smoked products and marinades. Diet often use
them in the stomach and pancreatic cancer.
9. white flour. Yes, "fluffy" snow white flour and
processed through gazisebri chlorine. Which destroys all the useful substances
in the prodeukt. White flour snacks frequent use of blood sugar levels and
cancer risk increases above stsvs, because cancer is sugar "fed".
Enjoy a large milled cereals made from wheat.
10.genetikurad modified products. In 1996, when the United
States filed a genetically modified product, according to statistics of cancer
patients has been increased. Autism in children, allergic reactions, impaired
immunity, this is a small list of what causes such a product. Despite him not
cheapness and beautiful form. See
11.rapinirebuli sugar. How we have said, lumps of sugar for
a tasty morsel and a source of growth. The journal Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers, and Prevention- published study shows that refined carbohydrates
frequent use by 22% growth in women with breast cancer. Reduce sweets in your
diet, but do not replace the artificial sweetener.causes cancer
11. The artificial sweetener means a lot of uses in order to
lose weight, but their frequent use damages health. He delayed action
bombivitaa. Aspartame, acesulfame potassium are used, sukraloza, this
sugar-stevia artificial shemtsvlelebia that regular use of their results and
the final form of the disease will break out, many of which are one of the most
dangerous, brain cancer. Especially dangerous pruktozit rich sweetener, since
cancer cells absorb them easily and quickly. Popular products, such as cakes,
soft drinks, cookies, alcoholic beverage made from high fructose composition of
products, makes it clear why the number is increasing day by day cancer.
12. The use of alcohol is one of the most important cause of
cancer, after cigarette. The extra intake is devastating on the bodies when
small doses, it would even be beneficial to health. Alcohol abuse leads to
cardiovascular disease, stroke and sudden death. Alcohol provokes
stsornatslavis, liver and breast cancers. Do not worry, dinner glass of wine
without any harm to your body, most importantly, do not be carried away with
excessive intake of alcohol.Healthy Figures
13. The non-alcoholic carbonated beverages containing soda +
many kantserogeni, flavors, sugar substitutes. Saccharin, acesulfame potassium
are used, which are part of the carbonated lomonatebis, many diseases can be a
challenge, including cancer. Carbonated drink of aspartame often headache,
fatigue, depression and tachycardia providing provoke.
Lbat Moodle question, what to do, when so many of your
favorite kind of product is harmful, what to eat? You already get the
information, they now know what to do. Do not exceed one-tips, get small