This is a substance which is a special place for its medicinal properties. Food soda not only in the stomach and burning vessel polishing help him a worthy place in the family pharmacy:

Caries prevention. Acids, which are formed as a result of bacteria in the mouth, dissolves tooth enamel. This can neutralize acids, or several times a day gamoivlebt teeth soda water. You can do this in another way as well: soak a toothbrush with water, added a little soda and brush your teeth. It also gagiprialebt without damaging tooth enamel.

Feet odor removal. Feet in the water bath to get a soda added to neutralize the bacteria isolated by acidic, which causes an unpleasant odor. It also helps you to get rid of underarm odor.
Insect bites it. Do daipkhant bites of mosquitoes and other siskhlismtsovelta. Make a mix of water and soda produce mash it and apply to the site of the bite. Chickenpox caused by scratching and nettles also help dasuskhvis case.

Cystitis. Pain-generating bacteria inhabit the bladder. If your bladder infection, fell victim to get soda and water taken after eating sparkling.
Gamoqelvis time. Special children's diapers significantly improves the skin condition gamoqelvis time, reduces itching and accelerates skin healing.
The sun burns. Pour some soda water for taking bath. It soften water and calm the irritated skin.
Sore throat. Open 0.5 teaspoon Soda in a glass of water and rinse your throat every 4 hours: it neutralizes the acids that cause pain. If this solution is in the mouth gamoivlebt (several times a day), it relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Mouth odor. Hydrogen peroxide with, and removes unpleasant odors schmlis soda strong effect of bacteria. Add 1 CF 1 glass of soda. Hydrogen peroxide (2-3%) and rinse your mouth.

Catarrh. Useful inhalation. To do this, take a small kettle and boil it in 1 Ch. Water and 1 teaspoon Soda. Make a cool paper tube, the kettle chamoats nose and Breathe steam for 10-15 minutes. This therapy can help remove secretions from the nose wet.

Viscous wetness amosakhveleblad twice a day before meals drink 0.5 Ch. The water, which dissolved in 0.5 teaspoon Pinch of salt and soda.

Rhinitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis time. Use of 0.5-2% soda solution.
Migraine. Take a day boiled water and soda mix. Day 1: 30 minutes before dinner drink a solution of 1 cup (0.5 teaspoon baking soda + water). Day 2: 2 cups of liquid, etc. 7 days (up to 7 cups). Then reduce the dose to the opposite side (6, 5, ... 1).
Dasanebeblad his cigarette. Rinse your mouth with a mixture of soda (baking soda 1 FC 200 mL of water).
Skin dryness, dry Dermatitis, iktiozisa and psoriasis. Useful Baths: 35 grams of soda, magnesium carbonate - 20 g, magnesium perborati - 15 grams. The water temperature should not exceed 38-39 degrees. Just take a seat at times in warm water, then gradually increase the temperature. Bath for 15 minutes.

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