Oral cancer is the lips, mouth and oral cavity cancer of the esophagus; The term does not refer to the salivary glands, hipoparinksisa (lower esophageal) and nasopharynx cancer.
90% of oral cancers btrqelujredovan carcinomas and the intra-damaged common risk factors. The likelihood is that the manifestation of the person and the medical examination of the oral cavity. Oral cancer in the world and the wide spread of malignant tumors, it is the eighth place.

The first half of the 1970s onwards, oral cancer rates have been increasing. Over the 1090-99 period, the incidence of the disease increased by 34% in Scotland, the disease was observed in both female and male patients. Disease increase, especially younger age; Possibly due to changing patterns of intake of alcoholic drinks and tobacco in the country.

Etiology of oral cancer is complex. Epidemiological studies of the disease in westernized countries tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking as the major determinants. Separately, these two factors increase the risk of oral cancer, if we are faced with a patient's alcohol and tobacco "dose-effect" of a strong attitude. A malignant cancer risk of those making both products at the same time increases more than the addition of some factor. Such factors include:

Certain types of food substances
The infection causes
Transforming genes (oncogenes)
Mucosal abnormalities preemptive
Other factors

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