• 13:15:00

  That was a beautiful and healthy hair, you need to properly care for them. In addition, shampoos, conditioners and masks, it is also necessary to properly wash your hair, to maintain the structure, strength and shine.
  Articles on the topic "The right hair washing: the condition of their beauty"
 Proper care for mixed hair
Even if nature gave you a thick and beautiful hair, improper care can wipe out this gift of fate. Improper washing, drying and combing result in dry and brittle hair visited, tip and fall out.

Proper hair care begins with washing the head. This must be done because of their pollution. This is usually 2-3 days - depending on the type of hair. This is best done in the shower to wash the shampoo well.

Before washing the hair must be combed. Of course thoroughly clean their combs and hair brushes, that after treatment the water will not move them with dirt clean hair.

Wash your head should be in neutral shampoos, hair type selected. The head should be slightly moisten well with hot water to open the hair scales. Then a bit of shampoo in the palm and mix it with a little water, put hair. Start the forehead, moving back. The movement should be massaged leather well, not only hair, but also the scalp.

Shampoo should be washed off with warm water. We should not expect, when he "will act" if it is not a medicine. Thoroughly rinse the hair and scalp, they should be rinsed in cold water. This close the open pores scalp, put the magnitude of the hair and give the hair to smooth out Shine.

If you want, you can rinse after washing the head with water and vinegar or lemon juice. In this procedure, the hair will be soft and shiny.

Now produced a broad range of balms, conditioners and masks are also useful for hair care. They hydrate hair, feed them healthy and Glow. These funds are not required to use any detergent. If your hair is healthy enough to use extra care once a week.

If your hair requires the treatment of dry, brittle, posechennyh tips, hair loss and dandruff, you can use special tools, every hair wash. It is useful to rinse hair decoction of herbs. The best fit chamomile, nettle and rosemary.

Regular care and proper nutrition will always be healthy and beautiful hair.

Tags: hair, beauty, wash

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