If the facial skin often gekertslebat, gighiziandebat, gitsitldebat and gekavebat, ie Do you have sensitive skin that needs special care.
Skin care is very similar to dry skin care, because in both cases the glands can not produce sufficient amounts of sebum.

An important factor is that the sensitive skin care simplicity distinguished - as it relates to the use of drugs, and their recipes. This type of skin is used only hypoallergenic cosmetics, which does not contain skin irritating substances and their components only blood circulation and stimulate the formation of the active substances in the cells.

Sensitive Skin Care main components:
In the morning, wash with water at room temperature, preferably, use mineral water;
Softening fats and other substances in the same operation using the cream. It is good if the cream is composed of thermal water from the mineral components;
Reactivate the skin night cream, the ingredients of which contributes to the activation of the cells of oxygen metabolism and thus the negative impact from the skin provides reliable protection.
Evening milk to clean sensitive skin, massage and tones, not only ethanol and tonic;

Sensitive Skin Care provides a large amount of the proper use of decorative cosmetics, deep pilingisa gamagrebadi and masks to avoid. In addition, the skin is not sensitive to direct sunlight for a long time under the influence stops.
Sensitive skin for a natural hydrating mask irritated skin and discourage its color improving. Leave on for half an hour it is preferable to masks face, and then rinse with running water. Undergo the procedure every day for the whole month.
Cucumber Mask: terry cucumber slices on the face or puree. Facial mask to soften skin and improve your complexion.

Apricot Mask: If you do not have an allergy, gatalet apricots, Grate or crush the pulp and skin smooth. This mask softens the skin and in addition, a very over-powering the sun-damaged skin.

Potato mask Boil the potatoes and gaprtskvenit, then crush and mix with egg yolk. The weighing wipe the face, the mask of skin flexibility afforded.

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