Want to deceive the hunger and to be fed even though you eat less than you had planned? Share your rations to more fragments when it is put on the plate, the council of scientists from the University of Arizona, who had his hypothesis about the efficiency of the effect of "diet in parts" check using mice and humans. Healthy Figures Diet Plan

Diet in parts Healthy Figures  in the laboratory. The animals are trained to run around the maze with two entrances. On one hand, they get food in many parts, and on the other the same amount of food, but in part, that is. was not fragmented. After the mice a sense of the space and the stimulus (food), were allowed to run free in a labyrinth, and the scientists measured their speed, as well as the side to which more run. It turned out that more running to the part where they were given food in parts, and that they had such a meal in fragments was more appealing than comprehensive. This conclusion was drawn from experiments on mice, but the question is whether the assumption that diet in parts having the same effect on humans, since it is thought that the animals easily manipulated.

Therefore, the diet in parts of the tested students (total 301), so as to get bagels from exactly 80 g, as a whole, which are divided into 4 parts. After 20 minutes, the subjects were brought to the buffet, where they could further serve   who took the whole bagel, ate it and served and food from the buffet, while those respondents who took that same bagel in parts even have left that piece of the plate had a lower desire for food from the buffet . So, it turns out that diet in parts can better satisfy the hunger than identical diet in which are entered the same amount of food and calorie value or in part. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that the number of people serving parts indicator sized portions of food. So the meal multipart works richer and larger than the same quantity of food that is served as one big continent. So, the trick is in the form of rations, and this sensory illusion makes it possible to quickly tired of, and diet in areas recommended for people who want to reduce

Healthy Figures

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