What you should know about HIV / AIDS
The HIV / AIDS epidemic into the third decade of development. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) remains the most acute problem throughout the world and is considered the biggest threat to mankind for thermonuclear war. T-tion of HIV / AIDS epidemic in the world at lightning speed across every continent, in every country and proved that he is equally a threat to everyone in the race, gender, age, nationality, education and even religion. AIDS is an infectious disease is slowly progressive. It is caused by the human immunodeficiency (  Viru-s / HIV).  (defense) system and  it. An infected person is , can easily afford a variety  Healthy Figures of infectious and / or tumor disease, usually resulting in death. AIDS 
Modern classification, the disease is called HIV infection at the end of life, and the term AIDS - the last stage of HIV infection, when a patient develops clinical signs of the disease for some and / or severe immune system damage.

HIV / AIDS prevalence in the world
The United Nations AIDS program in 2006 on a daily basis in the 15-24-year-olds more than 6,000 young people infected with the   Viru-s.
Registered in USA  and UK  2,000 cases of HIV infection in children.
1400 15-year-old child dies of AIDS-related diseases.
39.5 million people are infected with the epidemic to date. between them:
Ad-ul-ts - 37.2 millionAIDS 
Women - 17.7 million in 2015 to 2016
Children under 15 - 2.4 million
Died - more than 25 million people
Only in 2006 were infected - 4.3 million people
Died - 2.9 million people
Georgia has registered more than 1156 cases behind about 3,500 unregistered cases. This is our small country has a solid indicator.
HIV / AIDS among the factors contributing to Georgia:
Widespread drug abuse
The neighboring countries at a disadvantage in terms of AIDS
Population migration and extensive international contacts
Disposable medical instruments, disinfection and sterilization shortage
Medical staff lack skills infections transmission issues
The traditionally low demand for condoms and / or irregular consumption
The low level of knowledge about AIDS
Considering this, it is likely that in Georgia, which became known HIV t / AIDS epidemic is now beginning to gather strength.AIDS 

  - both   and   intercourse (vaginal, anal, oral);
HIV-infected blood or its components transmission;
HIV-infected blood transfusion or its components;
The sharing of contaminated needles, syringes and other medical tools;
Infected mother to fetus or newborn uterus during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

AIDS   Viru-s is not transmitted to Healthy Figures 
Airborne, therefore, is not dangerous for people living with HIV to speak. The   Viru-s is not passed on sneezing, sneezing or a kiss.
Household and social contacts. Is not it dangerous to shake hands, turn, the patients used utensils, bedding, common toilet and bathroom use. Being HIV positive is not dangerous to public  to places and public transport travel Viru-s in UAE.
The   Viru-s can not be transmitted by insects and / or animals through.
The source of HIV infection in HIV-positive people or AIDS, as the disease is asymptomatic period, as well as the clinical setting. Healthy Figures 
HIV was detected in a number of human biological fluids. It is particularly high levels of:
Sperm / liquid preeakularuli
Vaginal secretions
CSF Healthy Figures 
AIDS is a universal problem. It threatens everyone. At present the treatment of AIDS vaccine or other radical means are not available, so the only real way to combat AIDS comprehensive prevention.
Today, in the world of HIV infection in two main directions: biomedical and behavioral field.

HIV prevention drive elements AIDS 
Before marriage or a clean, healthy partner's fidelity.
Casual contacts abstain or, in extreme cases, to use condoms.
Injecting drug use abstinence. Otherwise, the use of disposable medical instruments. Shared, "friends" of the categorical rejection of the use of syringes.
Blood and blood products in the required examination. Unsafe blood transfusion in case of vital signs during the first hours of the transfusion of donated blood to be tested.
One-time use of medical instruments, and the multiple uses - sterilization and disinfection rules of protection.
Tattoos and jewelry bearing the body parts to refrain from damaging, because often these procedures are conducted improperly gasterilebuli instruments.
Preferably pregnant women tested HIV positive response in case of extension or termination of pregnancy to decide after consultation with a specialist.

Fight AIDS, not people with AIDS!

HIV-infected human rights, as well as the rights of all citizens, protected by law. On 21 March 1995, the Parliament adopted the law protection of persons infected with HIV. People need to be supported, as well as their own AIDS problem, fear, compassion, and others in their own health care in order to prevent the AIDS epidemic in UK USA CANDA AUS

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