USA Today we hear a lot about AIDS, often talking about the transmission routes, risk factors, but our readers about recent manifestations of the peculiarities of the keenest AIDS. What is characteristic of the disease, which affects the organs and systems of the most often? These and other questions Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center visited. We have a doctor specializing in infectious diseases, MD Ms. mshvidobadze.- our readers often ask whether it is possible, AIDS symptoms of the disease-causing   Viru-s from the body before it is placed occur tavi.- , but no signs of developing the disease. This is the stage of HIV disease, which can be 2 years to 8-10 years. This is a period without symptoms of the disease, the stage of HIV infection is not characterized by any abuse, the patient will feel healthy. Nevertheless, further development of AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and the stage of the disease manifests itself in clinical nishnebits.- 

How is AIDS, what are his clinic? - AIDS symptoms are: Prolonged pagharatioplianobatsonis klebatskheleba - temperatures can be varied within 370C- or may be observed with high magnification tskhelebalimpuri kvendzebis limpadenopatia.qvela the simultaneous existence of these symptoms is not necessary, but when it occurs at the same time named two symptom is still a reason to seriously think that the patient might have AIDS and the need for relevant research chatareba.zogadad should note that the AIDS patient's immune system is severely depress the . This is well reflected in the title of the disease (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Low immunity in light of the possible development of opportunistic infections, such occasions for any bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infection. Opportunistic infections are most often found in tuberculosis, pneumonia, herpes infections, candidiasis, cryptococcal meningitis, toxoplasmosis. Also, there are some which simsivneebits.- bacterial infection are severe human cases of AIDS? - AIDS developments bacterial infections should note pneumonia or pneumonia. Among them is one of the most common pneumonia. Unlike other bacterial pneumonia pnevmoniebisa characterized by strong respiratory failure and poor X-ray data. In other cases, the general picture of pneumonia pneumonia manifestations are similar. The patient has a cough, fever, shortness of breath, fever. In addition to pneumonia, bacterial infections of AIDS developments should be named tuberculosis. As can be found in the lymph  diseases of the lung porma.- Which time? - AIDS-associated viral diseases include herpes zoster or herpes shemomsartqlavi, herpes simplex and its generalized form, during which almost all the types of herpes rash covers the area. Significant problem which tumors develop cytomegalo  Viru-s inpektsiats.- AIDS? - Common primary brain lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma. Kaposi's sarcoma herpes   Viru-s causes a type of article 8,   Viru-s name. Kaposi's sarcoma skin malignant tumor. It can occur anywhere on the body, often found on the face, extremities, in addition to the skin can also damage the lining of. Kaposi's sarcoma is most often the elements are placed in the mouth, hard palate, rarely language. Blue or purple color of the skin of the elements represented by papules or nodes. Localization of Kaposi's sarcoma in the case of the lower limbs may become the cause of gangrene. Kaposi's sarcoma is characterized by the features of the treatment will be oncologists mier.- nervous system in AIDS? - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is common in meningitis or inflammation of the brain membranes. | Healthy Figures |

Clinical manifestations of AIDS in no way different from other developed meningitis arising from meningitis. It is characterized by severe headache, vomiting, neck muscle rigidity (a stretch). Tuberculous meningitis and fungal genezisaa AIDS at the most, in particular, developing cryptococcal meningitis, which is why 10% of HIV infected people in the world die. In general, it should be noted that cryptococcosis - fungal disease, which causes kriptokoki. Cryptococcosis often taking the form of meningitis, which is quite poor, and as we said, AIDS is one of the leading causes of death. The disease is characterized by the presence of skin rashes. Central nervous system toxoplasmosis during grazing, which causes multiple cysts to form in the brain. Toxoplasmosis encephalitis or disseminated disease HIV is mainly manifested in the form. Cerebral (brain) toxoplasmosis, usually occurs in pain and focal neurological symptoms, in particular monoparesis (paralysis of one limb), hemiparesis (paralysis of half the body), epileptic seizures. The special problem of HIV associated dementia, or dementia. Toxoplasmosis Helps diagnose as blood serological tests, as well as brain MRI tomograpia.- What about parasitic infections? - Parasitic infections from occurring kriptosporidia, izosporidia, mikrosporidia and toxoplasmosis, which we talked about above. They are most often found in toxoplasmosis. We named by the disease are fairly well known to the public due to a wide spread. For example, even tuberculosis and herpes inpektsia.- readers may well have the impression that all similar cases of suspected AIDS to articulate. When should I assume that you have named, viral or bacterial infection is the cause of AIDS? - | Healthy Figures |

When a person has AIDS, the above symptoms, and all of this together with the HIV / AIDS risk - are intravenous drug users or prostitutes, should be expected to HIV / AIDS and to conduct proper gamokvleva.- which are at AIDS diagnosis? - AIDS testing venous blood samples necessary. Examining blood rapid / simple method, as well as enzyme analysis, high sensitivity and specificity. Their means of HIV antibodies appear 4-8 weeks after infection. Research continues in the case of a positive test result confirming the confirmatory method - western blot.  At present the most accurate and Viru-s) to expose the Polymerase Chain Reaction (P UNHCR) method (or "pisiari", as patients are called). After the diagnosis of the patient's immune system status (condition) were studied in detail. The human immune system to normal functioning of major importance to the lymphocytes. These cells differ in their function. HIV / AIDS is taking a different time, a detailed study of the number of lymphocytes. In addition, every patient in our study cited by the diagnosis of opportunistic infections. We should note that the studies carried out in our country in the latest laboratory techniques and modern methods gamoqenebit.- as your words show, AIDS mainly affects certain social groups. Access to the research for them? - | Healthy Figures |

These studies are available, because of HIV / AIDS diagnosis and treatment in our country pinansdeba.- what modern medicine for AIDS treatment in terms of how effective the drugs? - If the patient promptly to a doctor assigned to antiretroviral (HIV ) treatment, medication becomes ill person under the influence of immunity to the appropriate level rise and a reduction in the  However, we should note that, unfortunately, this does not mean the disease to cure. Results achieved to keep a constant intake of medication for the rest of my life. In addition, the patient during treatment needs to once every three months examinations to determine the immune status and   Viru-s kontsentratsia.- readers often think that Georgia's AIDS clinic to talk about the theoretical, the medical literature on this disease, we in fact have a common or very rare . How justified such a mood? - Probably similar unwarranted optimism should be explained by the fact that patients often ask for a delay. We must recognize that AIDS diagnosis in our country is still mainly late. Everyone needs to be aware of this disease and its possible complications, in order to timely HIV / AIDS can be prevented. 

Unfortunately, today in our country for a long time based on the knowledge in the field of AIDS, not only in literature, but also doctors' clinical experience. To illustrate the statistical data which will help us - today Infectious Diseases, AIDS and  AIDS developed in 1020 patients, 427 of them gardaitsvala.- What would you suggest HIV disease-related opportunistic infections to protect yourself? - It is necessary to the doctor for regular follow-up, the instructions for reliable performance, in some cases, some of the infection in order to protect the vaccination recommendations of the physician. - Finally, the traditional question - how to avoid AIDS? - For this purpose it is necessary: to varidot casual   never use someone else's syringe; do not use someone else's bathroom accessories; do not use someone else's razor or scissors; do not touch objects contaminated with blood.| Healthy Figures |

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