Hair requires less attention than other parts of the body, but often we do not pay attention to it. Daily hair care hairs schirdeba.mshral Matte, lifeless complexion, easily itsetseba being played, badly manage.

Very dry or vice versa, it is desirable to know the owners of greasy hair - hair is always in order to have it specially to take care of.
Use a wash for oily hair and extremely frustrating cooled broth oak bark (3 / c of oak bark pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes); Dry hair, work through the wash front castor, almond or olive oil. Wrap the top of a warm towel. After an hour, you can rinse off to pieces and 1 beaten egg or milk sheizilot.dabanis amzhavebuli some time, brushing hair a bad idea, with warm water to wash the hair roots and gapartovebulia more hair fall than necessary. It is best to wash your hair  recommended for dry hair twice a week and once a week to wash the oily. Do not wash the hair gaitsurot. Do not allow to dry the hair dryer, it irritates the Hair.
Wash from the washing up, hair can periodically food oils mixture - 1 part of castor and almond oil 3 a share. Dampen palms and gentle motion Apply this mixture on the hair. Then rinse.

Hair masks also offer:
Cottage cheese mask
Mix equal amount of cheese and mayonnaise, add 2 tablespoons sunflower or olive oil, mix well, and 20-40 minutes after chamovibanot tsavisvat hair.

Fruit Mask
Grepipruti half, one piece of kiwi, bananas davablenderot, add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well. Shevizilot hair, stopped for 15 minutes in warm water and chamovibanot.

Herbal mask
Mravaldzarghvas per teaspoon, kristesiskhlas, sage, nettle, pour a little boiling water mixture tavshavas, stopped for one hour, add vitamins A and E, and mix well tsavisvat hair. Clutched a warm towel, a half hour after chamovibanot.
Dear ladies guard hairs, took that advice and will definitely get results.

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