That many do not know

Shower - what could be more simple or may be a mistake to allow the people of this time? Let the water stand under it, vikapebt soap, chamovibant, vimshralebt. But it turns out things are not so simple as it seems at first sight. It turned out that we all make a standard error, which is very harmful for the skin.
1. accept the long and hot shower
Of course the onset of winter, the cold weather or hot water under a hot shower to relax and return to the job sounds really tempting, but doing our skin trauma gamostsorebel set.
The study found that a long, hot shower removes the skin's natural oil and contributes to the spread of diseases such as eczema. But even without eczema can cause itching on the body. Therefore, it is better to reduce the time spent in the shower and get warm or cool shower.
In fact, taking a hot shower, we are opening the pores of the skin, blood vessels dilate, and if we got back to the cold weather, freeze out faster.
2. Shower gel very well vakapebt / soap
The more bubble and foam shower gel, the more natural protective oils from the skin, which is not desirable. Soap and gel called igredientebi "Surface-active" substances - chemical substances in water chatsvetebuli fat drops the act. Water with surface-active substances and impurities removed with a small amount of natural oils. If soap and shower gel too often use, thus becoming dry and rough skin, which will lack natural defenses.
Therefore, there was the so-called consumer market "Soft" gels. They are relatively mild, but this product is designed for a psychological effect: less gvaidzuebs avikapot.
3. not to renew labor soap thoroughly
Sometimes we notice the shower leaving the skin on the rest of the place and just gasapnul vimshralebt him. But dermatologists warn that if only shevimshralebt soap, it will stay in the body. This may be for us to go unnoticed, but the skin is not even really notice - all Wash is a blend of the chemical, which can also damage the skin with prolonged contact.
Remember the rule: If after taking a shower with soap or shower gel strong fragrance agvdis, that is not well mogvishorebia.
4. The masks have been made after taking a shower
Many women have had their skin purifying mask after taking a shower. However derametologebi recommend masks to start just before taking a shower, otherwise it will do harm to the skin.
Anything after shower to start much more quickly absorbed into the skin and, as a result can lead to skin irritation. It is therefore advisable to give them a shower on the skin to rest.
5. incorrectly vimshralebt
Speaking to shower as soon as possible and we want to put on gavimshralot. Vimshralebt usually chaotic and arasotsrad. In order to do not cause damage to the skin, to gavimshralot from the top down. There is no need to over-towel to catch the skin, it can irritate the skin and not the kind of legs gamshralebaa required.