Tips Healthy Figures
Dry skin and cracked heels so many women (and not only) problem. For those who suffer from Cracked Heel problem, of course, in addition to aesthetic defects, accompanied by characteristic pain. Basically,  Skin cracks can lead to unequal gadachimvam - in the summer due to the moisture in the skin surface layer is stretched, and in the winter it cracks. Cracked heels are often the people who are suffering from skin diseases, endocrine disorders. In addition, the fissures can be beriberi, gastritis and diabetes rating. In the cold season, the precipitating factors can turn a shoe wearing synthetic socks and clumsy, while summer shoes at the feet remain vulnerable.Tips Healthy Figures

Difficult to solve the problem, but the solution is still possible. It is necessary to conduct regular medical procedures and use moisturizer. First of all, to find out what caused the cracking heels, this question is better to turn to a dermatologist, mild cases can even try self-treatment.TipsHealthy Figures

I would like to sound a few simple, cracked heels foot medical procedure at home:Tips Healthy Figures

1. The main tool for healing cracked heels Vaseline-based preparations. Tips Healthy Figures Clean jelly softens the skin and contributes to its hydration. Bedtime to wash the feet of boric acid solution mixed with hot water, 1 Ch. J. Boric acid in 1 liter of water relativity, pat dry, apply petroleum jelly on nakhetkeb daikarit and plaster, leave it until the morning. The procedure is repeated every evening until the lesions are gone.

2. Pick up an equal amount of beeswax, paraffin, and salicylic acid, fire Warm and mix with each other. Apply the mixture with a cotton swab on the heel, dry and apply a second layer from the top. 2-3 layer is enough. Dry film well gadaikhviet gauze. 24 hours later injected sapniani soda and water bath, get rid of the wax and film work through the heel of the pumice. This procedure is carried out several times.

3. Deep infection crack cracked heels to prevent antibiotic-containing ointment work through, and apply a circular motion daizilet. Generally, treatment is taking advantage of the heels of the creams that contain vitamins F and A or propolis. Without treatment, the fungus nakhetkeb heel locks. To avoid this you can use antifungal ointment - clotrimazole, or any other mikoseptini.

4. Start with warm water procedures. Soda baths well softens the skin, nor forget the Scrub: vaporous brush your feet well pumice or special brush. Exfoliating timely removal is necessary. Cracked heels soft and smooth will be out every day, a warm bath, rubbed into the skin with olive oil nakhetkeb. From time to time unusual fatty skin cream dazela. Such a massage will enhance blood flow to the feet and kuslebsa crack and promote healing. These procedures take a bedtime, and then to identify the cotton socks.

5. Boil the potatoes are steamed. Miisriset heels warm mass. It would be good if you can and a half hours at least gaicherebt feet. Then wipe with a cloth and apply a foot-greasy cream. Repeating the above procedure for 3-5 days.

6. The heel fissures heal very soon, if the daily use diapers or hot compresses kulmukhos roots. The best remedy crack fresh cabbage leaf - miidet heels and gadaikhviet night, and the morning nakhetkeb Apply any soothing cream.

7. healed cracks on the surface of grated apple and onion diapers - Get juicy apples or onions and finely Grate. The puree daapinet gross tissue, miidet heel and gauze gadaikhviet. Medical treatment for several days. The same method can be treated as a deep crack, but raw tomato. Tips Healthy Figures

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