When your body does not function well in any part of the sick and health care khdebi.skheulis There are many means of transportation. Healthy Figures Diet Plan

Proper nutrition: healthy that was needed for a variety of food miirtva.es title shows you what type of number to be received on a daily basis.

1. Take a small amount of fatty and sugary foods, such as butter, biscuits, sweets and sweet drinks.

2.sasurvelia two servings of dairy products per day treat, for example, yogurt, cheese, milk, etc.

3.khortseuli twice to miirtva.am group
Include fish, eggs, nuts and beans.

4.miirtvi day three types bostneuli.magalitad,
Carrots, beans and broccoli.

5.khilis eat the day orjer.am group includes both
Live and dried dadakonservebuli khili.aseve fruit juice.

Defend neat

The human body from the outside a lot of bacteria or viruses ekroba.bakteriebi and if some of them hit the body,
Avaddeba.daitsavi neat people, using the toilet
Always wash up before eating and khelebi.kbilebis Brushing will keep the bacteria from the teeth of the bearing holes.

Exercise and body care, the best way to have fun.
Exercise can help you in a variety of different

1.sirbili and jumping and swimming 2.nichbosnoba
Can strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles.
Swimming adzlierebs.shedegad general training
The more active you are. Good human sashualebaa.is
Healthy body.

3.tanvarji the body and dance
Gakhdis.moknili flexible body
But many things can be done.


Moderate Sleep is essential for all the human body.
During sleep the body's cells grow and updated.
The more children need more sleep, as their body
Constantly rise.

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