There are thousands of species of medicinal plants, vegetables, however, the most outstanding still niakhuria a variety of medicinal properties.

Vegetables, which can be used to protect avoiding polinozi.protsedura as follows:
Take 1 kilogram of celery soup and large rods and gamovtsurot that one cup of juice in the form of juice, we are going mivighot. tsamlis 1 C / K - for half an hour three times a day before meals adre. tsvenis making procedure to gradually increase.

Scientific research has proved that celery cures as the kidneys, as well as vegetable positive qualities folk medicine as early as ancient times wrote. Its consumption is the best treatment of kidney diseases and also propilaktikisatvis.kargia celery roots treatment.

You need 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed celery root 2 tablespoons virisdzua grass - he also dried and crushed mix and pour a cup of boiled cold water, steep for 3 hours in a glass jar, then gavtsurot.mighebuli juice to take three times a day to eat up to one-third ( 1/3) in the amount of glass. This produces a mild diuretic action has a feature which perfectly regulates water metabolism.

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