By Healthy Figures and skin care 

Tips for your New Year's silamazistvissaakhaltslod all want to look our best. The women, who can not afford the luxury of expensive salons undergo procedures and sports halls clocks can stay at home to easily achieve the desired result.
First of all, we take care of our tsonas.tu puzzled extra pounds is one of the best diet for weight quickly dasaklebad.dieta is a 3-day,
Three days of drinking only 1 jar of honey and sour in gavuriot soluble qava.sakmaod tasty diet.

Honey mask with sour cream-Healthy Figures and skin care 

1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of honey to each other in the face and neck area tsavisvat shevuriot.mighebuli mass. After 20-25 minutes the wet towel on the face in the morning is shown chamovitsmindot gavitsmindot ice slices. It tones the skin younger looking.

New Year nails who need special care in the most simple and cheap way to one cup of warm water, one tablespoon of salt on ADD. "Nariltsqal the" hands stopped for 15-25 minutes Healthy Figures and skin care 

As for the hair is not only a new year but also a simple method of hair groomed to iqos.ert gasajansaghebladaa nighabia.aighet 100 g of mayonnaise. Mayonnaise, add 1 tablespoon of vodka (I'm not adding onto a)   Wrap a towel from the top of the park.

As for the teeth whitening can easily take one teaspoon of soda with a few drops of lemon to add and Healthy Figures tips new year tips 

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