Charbtmianobas problem, as old as humanity. Perhaps more - kalobrioba ..

The article talks about the origins charbtminobis, also provides several useful tips that everyone Noxious avoid problems.

As endocrinologists consider charbtmianobas cause of male sex hormones in the prevalence or increased skin sensitivity towards them.
It turns out that male hormones - androgens - a woman's body is always, however, a fairly small number. They are '' honorable '' role: the hair follicles and thus to activate the skin's general gatmianeba participate. Accordingly, it takes more than enough for the numbers of androgen occur that charbtminoba immediately appear. It should be noted that, as in all things, charbtmianobas also molded, genetic predisposition plays a major role. However, other factors are important, for example:

1. Age.
The problem most often during puberty occur.

2. Obesity.
Excess weight in light of the violations of the metabolism, which leads to androgen overabundant.

3. insulation.
Solar rays, although the hair ghiavdeba, but grows more intense. So, in the summer on the beach and ski resorts during the winter, the sun does not happen too much indulgence.

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