Dajireo difficult, but aresobbs sakmruanlo tvsibebeti ointment, which is gaomeqenibs shedmgea chrlibobei and daiznabebei skin khamnkole time to disappear and its very mozmdabea matrvidaaa sheasldzbelei piorebshbi home.

Anitestpkirui maalomtsivs the mozmdabesaa the uporlbmeod sheldzbet saukatri hand, daamakhistabeleia tkviliagomuqechebli epkeit, anitabtkreuili and mushroom saitsanghadmgeo tvsibebei. This navmliad unkilarui saushlabeaa skin daiznabelui naitsils reegenaritssivtsi.

This maaloms damkhrabeit sheldzbet psroaiizs, chrlibobesi, trmaevibs, datsmrvbosi, heprseis and shekhuroetsebli bzrabeis gaknruenabm-shoshubesa.

'' PFparazaiz '' i_s readtskia today unkilarui maaloms mozmdabeis reetstps giizrabet!

1/4 cup oil mtsneraueli;
2/3 cup mixture gakhmamri baalekhibs (gluvqtilea, lakshraa, saqmrua, mrvalaadzghrav, krzanaa, etc.);
2-4 ch.k puktirs wax;
1 SK tkhvedai honey;
1/2 ch.k tkhvedai viatimn E;
5-6 drops etreezti (sruivilasemrb);


1. tadvparievald saichora baalekhibadn gaomutsort maskmilarui radoneboit saasgrbelo nitveierebib. Amsivtis gaomgdbea hot ektsartskiis prtsoderua.

Gatsaekhelt oil and 40-50 grdasumade chasaikht chuchrleish, roemshli the daanuqli baalekhbi have moatsvbelui. Gudlsaimt morueit. Chuchrles mchdiord daparaet tasvkharui and put gaaskhtslebeald abzanazae water. Gakhtslebeis time - 3 hrs. Every 20 minutes on a well-to chuchrlei shenaghjirto.

Imsivtsi that mtilnaad gaomutsort saasgrbelo nitveierebbi mtsneraeeibadn, gamioeert this prtsoderua gamnvaolabish 3 days. After the oil has been gaiptlert, while grass gaomutsert booldme.

2. low tsekhtszle galavghet puktirs wax. Chamataet it you by mieghubli ektsartki oil. Morueit gudlsaimt chamataet and then the honey, and E viatimn etreezit. Bazlmas ikmaed stirring, until mighibet ergtavoravn mass.

3. mieghubli ointment motavaest chuchrleish, roemsla the mchdiord eprabea tasvkharui and shenikhaet adigals cold. Sheanvkhis period - 2 years.

Quarghdbea! Mikhudevaad though this ointment 10% 0 i_t nautarulira, opted out of it, if roemilme sheamgdnelei kopmnoneits towards moametubli mgdzronebolba have.

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