From 72 to 54 kg lean, her weight loss secret, and yet there "snacks" this one! Amazing!

Country, three are my peak, height 158cm, weight 72 kg, the reason is because so fat eat more, exercise less, coupled with a pear-shaped body, thick legs big ass.

High School began to try slimming pills, although the weight dropped to about 60, but the body is a problem, not only easy to get sick, and there is no appetite, severe cases one day only drink half of the bags of milk. Healthy Figures Weight loss

Sophomore began a systematic way to lose weight: diet, doing leg movement, three months lost 7 kg body weight to 54 kg.

Jr., the first real contact with jogging, but also began to practice abdominal muscles (abdominal and abdominal search eight minutes Ripper, you can do what I do). Healthy Figures Weight loss

I also came to the column under my weight loss experience! !

1. Water must drink.

Eight glasses of water a day is not without reason, increase the metabolic contributed.

2. The best fruits to eat every day. Healthy Figures Weight loss

In the past I smell the taste of bananas on the vomiting, but now I think it is simply too sweet, but also the fullness laxative, a lot of advantages.

3. The little girl drink milk every day is very good.
Whether it is milk or yogurt, boldly drink, do not go to tangle what defatted whole, I'm sure to tell you that milk yogurt do not make you fat! Healthy Figures Weight loss

4. little more than a bite to eat! Here that does not mean you eat eat a little, but compared to the amount of food, the rice should be less than the dish. Remember to eat more vegetables, as you can choose to eat meat, white meat, low-fat protein, but can not be completely eat red meat, moderate!

5. eat, do not eat it! Be sure to eat the right amount. I like to eat bread and cookies, but this is a high-calorie, how to do? Do not eat? That's impossible
Eat your favorite, do not oppressive, so it will not burst. Eat a little every day, you can eat.

6. early hours.
The body needs to detox at night, if you stay up late,
Then the toxins will be deposited in your body, the consequences can be imagined.

Stay up late the next day will certainly late,

So we missed the most important breakfast time, so a good rest is important.

7. Do not be too hungry at night to suppress their own.
I know a lot of people insist on eating anything at night,

But the hungry how to do? Endured?

I feel too painful, and this time I choose to drink yogurt,

Or eat fruit, not hungry a relatively good sleep.

8. If you can, try to eat less fried food. Healthy Figures Diet Plan

Attention, and it tells you to eat, rather than eat,

Fried foods high in calories as we all know,

But occasionally eat once or twice, Healthy Figures Diet Plan  and not fat.

Just do not often something to eat up.

9. snacks is important.
My great range of snacks, fruit yogurt biscuits snacks,

In short eat whatever you want, or a piece of chocolate,
Eat immediately meet not hungry.

But remember, Healthy Figures Diet Plan the right amount of everything please!

10. Be sure to pay attention to the morning of detoxification.
Constipation intolerable! Leave no stone unturned to solve their own problem of constipation.

11. The attitude and a healthy diet uniform, should not the pursuit of speed.

I know everyone wants to slim down quickly,

But unless you are a big base, or what this month lost ten kilograms, is not very good!

Anyway, to believe in their own end result is thin, not bad this a few months,

So take your time, do not worry, give the body a stage adaptation.
12. To know how to meet.Healthy Figures Diet Plan
When you decide to lose weight, you give yourself a ultimate goal, when you lose weight successfully achieved its original target when you stop, you have to do now is not to lose weight, but to maintain, do not blindly pursue thin thin!
As the saying goes, seven to lose weight by eating a third of the practice. Really nothing wrong, and I'm sure that, even if every day you exercise, but greasy food, you will not thin.
1, it is important to eat healthy breakfast

I desire for snacks like potato chips is unlikely, but for bread and biscuits simply love to death. But such things were very high heat, so I usually for breakfast. If you can strictly control their sister paper who can choose the breakfast of whole wheat bread with cheese, milk or yogurt, eggs, cereals, oatmeal, milk, etc. These are very healthy food.
2, or a good lunch of rice, Healthy Figures Weight loss
Lunch meat and vegetables, remember to eat some rice! You can not eat much but must eat! I started to lose weight is blind, do not eat rice considered useful, so just eating, daily physical are soft and very dizzy head, and finally one day fainted! Scared me okay! No longer afraid to eat!
3, like light dinner
Dinner should be light, eat more vegetables and soy products, eat less greasy meat dishes. You can replace the staple maize porridge like red beans, Healthy Figures Weight loss  red beans Oh eliminate edema
4, snacks are a must

After a healthy diet, your basal metabolic rate will naturally increase, then later raise the most obvious manifestation is: hungry fast! So snacks are a must. You can eat grapefruit, bananas, these fruits is conducive to weight loss, but do not eat.

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