What menstrual pain Healthy Figures  Women top problem tips all healthy figures

Algomenorea-painful menstruation in women about 50-60 per cent are worried about what causes a woman's disability.
Most women suffer from nausea during the menstrual cycle, pain, irritability, gastrointestinal disorders, depression.

Ladies note that
The pain disappears after childbirth, which is related to
Cervical enlargement.

Physiologically cycle pain, menstruation after 2-3 years and should be stopped, if you suffer from pain for a long time need to contact your doctor.

During menstruation should be fed correctly: should we abstain from fatty and spicy foods, coffee is also desirable to limit mokhmareba.saertod should not get alcohol.
The cycle time of the medicines less effective heat epekti.sitbo opens blood vessels spasm and pain amtsierebs.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that the heat of the drugs is much more effective for pain defeat.

I wish you health! ")

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