Perhaps too many girls have dreamed of a special lips, but the operation seemed over. But many are not aware that such results can only be achieved and just plain  varjishebita even sheidzleba.mashasadame, this article will enable you to fulfill the dream.  Healthy Figures varjshebi
- Exercises to enlarge and beautify your lips
In order to boost the volume of your lips and give a more complete form, in the first months of exercise every day, preferably in the 2-day still is, and then to maintain the shape of the complex Perform exercises 2-3 times a week. Better effect before training vigorously and thoroughly wash your mouth out yet warm, and then cold water. All training is done at the beginning of the 10 times, then slowly move up to 21 points within 1 month of training.
Lips strongly raise the front, slightly open mouth, then tightly mokumet kind kuntebi.mokumet and weaken a person's lips move is right, then left, then circle the small rviani.odnav open person, to separate the tongue to the end and positioned to stop the counting of 3. After sheqa the tongue, mouth and mokumet facial muscles weaken 2 datvlamde.gamostsiet lips forward and exhale sharply, as if to banish a candle, then slacken the lips and inhaled 3 datvlamde.ghrmad inflated the cheeks, lips tubular raise. Exhale, slowly release the air from the beginning, while the sharp end of a 2-3 lead gamodevnet.nela, tsamgherebit Say the vowels "i-n-e-a-t ', then a deep breath and exhale air inflated cheeks semi mokumuli mouth so that Lips vibrirebdes.ghrmad breath, lips and front gamostsiet amoberet air force. At this time you should count 6. Then slacken the muscles, to stretch out his mouth and lips, as if he is smiling. 2-5 minutes tsaustvinet familiar melodies, try to be as sound high and pure.

- So you keep and the desired outcome is not so hard to be like You would think.

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