Hope Clinic obstetrician-gynecologist, associate professor Givi Maqashvili the diet of pregnant women to give advice on the selection of useful and necessary tests to be conducted on the alleged pregnancy.

PREGNANT 'for laboratory tests are essential, because the date of birth is required for special supervised. There was a time when the so-called Women's Consultation Patronage sisters had. Patronage sister knew how many pregnant women were at the station, who had conducted the study, who suffered from the problem. If the woman does not come at the agreed time, patronage and visited him at home. Today, this approach has changed. Pregnant herself to go to the doctor and if he does not voluntarily come to the consultation, no one takes force. Here it is also to say that earlier studies were absolutely free. Unfortunately, the State now only four visits to the pregnant woman and several research funding. When a pregnant woman is reading a study vunishnavt immediately, what it costs. In our clinic, we are trying to make available the best possible prices.

'What is the term of the pregnancy, a woman must visit a doctor?

'In general, it is desirable that Both women and men, when they decide to get married to investigate thoroughly, but if they would not do and the woman becomes pregnant, without examination, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist pregnancy up to 12 weeks. By this time the woman has to undergo tests and determine whether to continue her pregnancy.

Q: Hi, you mentioned that the visit of the four tests and a number of sponsors ... Can chamomitvlit what tests are conducted for pregnant women is now free?

The first visit is free: doctor, blood count, urinalysis, Wasserman, blood group and rhesus determination, bacterioscopy smear, "B" hepatitis and AIDS. The second visit to the doctor 'and ultrasound. 'For the third doctor, urine protein and hemoglobin. And the fourth visit to the doctor and on the determination of protein in the urine. It's all state-funded, but nothing compared to the number of analyzes that pregnant women in need. It is necessary to study the female genital Bacterioscopic, because as I told you in the previous interviews, is very dangerous for the fetus mokhshirebulia viruses, which, in case of serious treatment were needed, and whether the baby can die or be born handicapped. Generally viruses and bacteria are fond of embryonic tissues in the body and their invasion of the imminent death of the fetus is expected. Genital herpes virus is quite dangerous to AIDS, cytomegalovirus, etc. Virus examination in early pregnancy or become pregnant is now essential. All pregnant women warn that today quite mokhshirebulia viruses, so it's time to seek medical attention and to undergo the required examinations.

Q: There are effective drugs to combat viruses?

'At the present time there are no effective medications, although the pregnancy to term, some of the drugs are prohibited. Only a doctor can prescribe in private, because if certain drugs during pregnancy may be the twentieth month, the same drug can not be used on the twelfth week.

Q: What causes a miscarriage or fetal Down's syndrome?

'Down's syndrome, chromosomal basis of the device error. The twenty-three pairs of chromosomes instead komosomis arise. Twelve weeks after the ultrasound, we can see through this kind of pathology. At this time measured the thickness of the fetal neck wrinkle and identify Down's syndrome. If you think about it, this syndrome children have thick necks. Such children are usually relatively elderly parents.

What they are born hermaphrodite and if possible in advance of this pathology, ultrasound determination?

_ The determination of ultrasound impossible. I had three years ago when it was born in the case of the boy in our opinion, a pediatrician and a surgeon who concluded that there was a guy, it turns out, when two years later underwent an ultrasound scan revealed that his internal reproductive system, according to the girl. Fortunately, such cases are rare. This is a mistake of nature.

'How many times can conduct ultrasound?

'Ultrasound multitude neither mother nor a threat to the fetus, but it is better to use it only when necessary undergo pregnant and not for the sake of their own whim. The entire pregnancy ultrasound conducted preferably 3-4. Through his kidney and heart disease may also lack of discovery. Kidney absence of such a pregnancy should be stopped of course, because of the birth of at least a few hours a newborn dies. The neonatal mortality reduction studies will determine where the children are healthy and disease. Today is one of the baby boom starts to daighopos alarm as medical circles, as well as the health care samistro.

How to feed a woman throughout pregnancy?

'The fruit of the last month, almost one kilo is increasing, especially so during the last month of pregnancy to protect myself. To eat salt-free foods often and small portions. Salt fluid retention in the body contributes to the body's organs and edema. Twice a week she needed cooked veal, cottage cheese, cheese chqinti, fruits, vegetables, fresh fish and honey to make. I would like to emphasize that a large number of Parsley should not be, because it is estimated that the juice contains a substance that stimulates the uterine muscle contraction and strengthening of termination of pregnancy risks. This is established by well-known obstetrician-gynecologist, Professor Michael by Michael Gigineishvili. A lot of sweets, greasy and bitter foods is not recommended. In short, the need for natural products meals during pregnancy because the fetus can be provided with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals depletion products and minerals. And most importantly: a pregnant woman to carry a pregnancy to a peaceful environment, often walk in the fresh air and to get the medical examination....

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