The problem, fortunately, not so very complicated. Those who complain of an unpleasant odor in the mouth, jealous and become nervous, as it often fall into an awkward situation of a person speaking, and intimate relations can be changed tsaukhdinon partner. Healthy Figures
What can you do?

There are several methods to avoid this inconvenience. Often caused by a malfunction in the body it is. For example, dental caries, chronic tonsillitis, gastritis it. If this disease is all right, enjoy the scent is easily overcome. Healthy Figures

Enjoy the smell of precipitation (patina) coated tongue migakhvedrebt. From time to time the sediment teaspoon gadaitsmindet.
If none of the above does not suffer from the disease, but they have an unpleasant odor in the mouth, you can use the simple folk recipes. Healthy Figures

1. morning and evening, after eating, rinse your mouth with mint leaves (1 tablespoon mint boil 30 minutes 0, 5 liters of water) infusion. If you have a very strong odor, teeth and cheeks, the tiny branch of dried cloves on a piece GOING Stick. Healthy Figures

2. Find the newly chamomile tea (boil 2 tablespoons chamomile 0, 5 liters of water for 5 minutes).
Reported during the day, eat candy or Mint Mint Chew gum. Healthy Figures 

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