Tips for face:
1. If you have oily skin, apply pressure to the front of the toothpaste and rinse in the morning. Effective drying.
2. If you have a cut lemon open pores, skin that is not dagetsvat, honey and Moises Apply to face.
3. You, pimples moisvat jelly.
4.sakhis wash after wash it with cold water.
5. If you see the eyes of wrinkles, crush bananas and Apply it.
6.pigmentur spots in the fight to yogurt and sour milk. Leave on for 15 minutes and soaked swab Wipe off the face of the lime juice.
7. If you want to get rid of mole home, soak a swab of apple vinegar and Apply it. The procedure is continued until the mole does not disappear. (This may take one or more weeks)
8.chorplis purge crush strawberries and Apply it. Also effective is the use of mint leaves while sunbathing.
 9.tsitrusebis cortex (inner side) of the skin useful.
10.tu want to bother you any more rash, stop taking alcohol and dairy

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