Pleasing factor when all other natural beauty of our hands or feet with nails to look perfect, but for this you need to constantly take care of them, otherwise they will become yellow color.

Most commonly such change causes a fungal infection, also can be caused by nail dystrophy, defective paint (do not forget the nails constantly spot coverage about the harmful effects, especially if the lower protective cover without isvamt Lax.), Smoking and diseases of the stomach and liver inner oprganoebis- problems. Therefore, in such a case, you'll be able to touch, it is better to temporarily forget the varnish and immediately contacting various medical procedures, some of which are simple and useful advice in the form of a prescription will be served right now, but I would remind you that if you nail gaqvitlebis eliminates the fungus has been confirmed, a dermatologist.

Therefore, how to take care yellow nails?

1. Take a lemon, cut the heart out of one piece and 5 minutes izilet brackets. This procedure not only to whiten nails, but also softens the cuticle to strengthen the nail plate. To getting the results of the procedures, it is not sufficient effect for at least a month to get tested regularly once a day.

2. strengthen and whiten nails well with sea salt, so the nails for 10 minutes to baths. Pour 200 ml of warm water with 3 tablespoons of sea salt and pour one teaspoon of lemon juice. Procedures can get tested every day. However, the following must apply the cream on the hands, because the skin from drying out salt.

3. The nails are very effective purification of raw potatoes. Pick up raw potatoes, cut in half and itsmindet brackets. This procedure will continue for a month.  Healthy Figures

4. lemon juice and olive oil not only made them white mask and strengthen nails, but also to soften skin and moisturises. Mask preparation you will need one teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice mixture. Moisten a cotton d for a week once a week to cleanse your hands and feet nails  Healthy Figures

5. Another excellent way - soda baths. It is necessary to 1 / C Soda poured warm water, mix well and to stop the hands in water for about 15-20 minutes. The result will be noticeable in the third-fourth after the procedure. Healthy Figures

Nails in a day is very effective to launder the following procedure: Healthy Figures

6. nails laundering is another best way of soda and hydrogen peroxide. 2 tablespoons baking soda pour a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. We get a thick mass in 2-4 minutes to leave the brackets, and then rinse with warm water. This procedure is advisable to get a couple of times a week.

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