Healthy Figures
Healthy Figures 

1. The main rule: during the day to spend more energy than you get it from food. Only then will your body to use energy as a source of oil supplies and to supplement this deficiency.

2. Lipolysis of fat (when the body uses fat as a source of energy) is carried out using oxygen, or intense cardio exercise.

3. Food should be segregated as much as possible, and that is often the small portions. It speeds up metabolism, metabolism.

4. If you want to burn fat, you need long did you sleep. There are a lot of sleep during the anabolic hormones that promote fat burning.

5. diets do not have to get fast carbohydrates, because they quickly absorbed by the body and the feeling of hunger is also coming up.

6. Get a lot of vegetables, it contains fiber, which our body can not absorb the recycling of energy spending. As well as their quick carbohydrates in combination with reducing the glycemic index.

7. The protein does not gasukdebit. The body can not use protein as an energy source, on the contrary, they are spending on recycling efforts.

8. Your diet should be fats. They need your hormonal system. Kholesterini it is necessary for your body, so the eggs eat heartily.

9. energy efficiency, you need to train large muscle groups: legs, back, chest.

10. tskhimismtsvelebi and other sports nutrition supplements are effective only on proper nutrition and regular exercise in combination, because the oil does not burn itself tskhimismtsvelebi.

11. Find a lot of water, because when you are receiving a large number of proteins in the diet, excessive loads kidneys. Water helps the body use protein excretion of wastes. It also speeds up metabolism in your body. Necessarily exclude other sweet drinks.

12. efficient fat burning workout go for less glycogen, or just before receive fewer carbohydrates. In this case, the body will be forced to use your fat reserves for energy demand and not glycogen.

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