Hollywood stars Jamie Lynn and Lindsey lohani SPA- salons frequent visitors and new procedures are big fans.

'' New York Magazine '' - one of them said in an interview that the expensive part of the process, has the same effect as that achieved by some of the traditional method.

Healthy Lifestyle Skin  Care and Smokey Eyes
Jamie Lindsey and their fans are advised: '' Do not pay money for such procedures as the swelling under the eyes or dark circles around to get rid of, because at home you can very easily deal with these problems ''.

How to get rid of dark circles around the eyes under

Grate raw potatoes and divide the resulting mass into two portions. Each of them pat the gauze and terry tvalebkvesh. Procedure takes 15-20 minutes. It is desirable to be repeated every other day - 2 weeks.

* * *
Eyes swollen under the article, the second part of this paper.

Good luck.

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