If you get infected and badly wanted to go into a drug store does not work, try the traditional recipe of useful products from what you can find in the house.
Marley 2 do swab, davasvelot honey and harbor deep nose of both nostril.
2.tapliani drops.
Gavkhnat pure bee honey in warm water (up to 40 ° С) in a proportion of 1: 2 and 5-8 chavitsvetot nose drops, 3-4jer days.
3.khakhvi and honey.
3 s.kovz onion juice pour warm boiled tsqali.davamatot 1 2 s.kovzi ch.k.naturaluri honey, stir occasionally and stand for 1 hour, then the gauze and gavtsurot chavitsvetot 4-5 nose drops, 3-4jer day.
Boil 2 eggs, a little bit of both nostril nose shevagrilot and went outside, until cool.
To place in a hot pan of biscuits and smoke when he was launched as a result of the burning, both visuntkod nestoti 2-3 minutes several times a day and do ganmavlobashi.ase flu quickly disappear. (An old folk)
I would be glad if my advice at least be able to assist Dear readers.
Good health and courage!

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