You should know that if you want to achieve the result, the magic recipe that will solve the problem of hair loss - did not exist.
Treatment should always be complex - Correct diet, rest and recover, his skin massage, hair whiplash exclusion, hair masks, etc.
Correct diet - your food enriched with iron, zinc, protein, vitamins and minerals rich foods - fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs, milk products, cheese.
Use olive or even better on a daily diet of flax seed oil. Choose a complex vitamins or supplements.
To maintain healthy hair and hair loss prevention is very effective for fish. Omega-3 fatty acids because it contains and vitamin D-'s.
Rest and recover - or stress, fatigue or meditation to your normal situation, a negative result does not necessarily delay and asakheba around the body.
Although the delay in responding to the body's hair in such a situation, but finally did get a bleak, brittle, bolodaqopil, weak hair, hair loss as the previous situation.
Therefore, if you are valuable for health, youth and beauty, it is better to understand the situation. Your Savior: healthy meals, recreation, regulated sleep, relax, relaxation, meditation, yoga, sports, psychotherapy.
Hair injury exclusion - Try to limit the use of hair care products for hair coats, hair iron, hair Restructuring, bigudebis and so on use.
If they still can not walk, use only high-quality equipment, in order to avoid mechanical damage to the hair.
In general, the hair loss, the hair is better to use a soft brush. Avoid hard shampoo, taking advantage of the delicate, organic shampoos.
Do daisrisavt hair, do not use the narrow rezinebsa and hair pins, do atrebt narrow hats, hair walking away from the cold and direct solar beams.a