Homo sapien Our impression is that the diet is a system of restrictions that will make us give up the delicious and diverse menu.

Many do not know that the word "diet" (Diaita) has Greek roots and means of life. The modern meaning of the word ,

Unfortunately, the well-being of people do not think about is the diet and food intake regulation. This is logical even, who feel their health or body keipobisas restaurant or something remarkable indication of the dates. However, there are people who call themselves completely healthy.

 The women more often than men (+ 35 years) guarded diet. But all is not conscious of your weight and health. Where did such a conclusion? Who would have been the case: 3-week diet suffer daikelit 10 kilograms. This would be perfect to celebrate with friends and go to a restaurant :))

How many days a diet after Try not to get "heavy" foods (baked goods, fried and greasy).

A few months ago I was at 1-week diet. Eat: a black bread, boiled chicken, soup and even something (whatever). Honestly I have kept for a week and was pleased too. But a week later, the result - zero !!! Not gamkhdarvar. Momeshala nerves and well vikeipe: khachapuri, dip, etc. Ah ... the next day to die. Life does not trouble me in the stomach, and the next two days in  based on their own example, to - not eating food after the diet.

Do not expect fast becoming

Previous counsel, begs the question: Why can not I have a week? Then a miracle happened on Sunday. After the diet normally nourished, but I began to lose weight, and significantly. The reason: a small portion of food intake and reduced diets stomach accustomed. The following week, mind you, I continued the same, a small amount of food intake and fat cells have been.

Do not starvation diets.

Diet in the body's regulation, which deals with the nervous system. Diet, which killed a total hunger affects your psyche: everywhere gelandebat food, become more irritable, nervous and "stservuli".

Diets of each day you take your stand in the mirror and say to yourself something to compliment what you look good, Here's How to Become how gikhdeba these pants..

Advice for the protection of the right diet vol1
Homo sapien Our impression is that the diet is a system of restrictions that will make us give up the delicious and diverse menu.

Many do not know that the word "diet" (Diaita) has Greek roots and means of life. The modern meaning of the word 

Unfortunately, the well-being of people do not think about is the diet and food intake regulation. This is logical even, who feel their health or body keipobisas restaurant or something remarkable indication of the dates. However, there are people who call themselves completely healthy.

The diet has women more often than men (+ 35 years) guarded diet. But all is not conscious of your weight and health. Where did such a conclusion? Who would have been the case: 3-week diet suffer daikelit 10 kilograms. This would be perfect to celebrate with friends and go to a restaurant :))

How many days a diet after Try not to get "heavy" foods (baked goods, fried and greasy).

A few months ago I was at 1-week diet. Eat: a black bread, boiled chicken, soup and even something (whatever). Honestly I have kept for a week and was pleased too. But a week later, the result - zero !!! Not gamkhdarvar. Momeshala nerves and well vikeipe: khachapuri, dip, etc. Ah ... the next day to die. Life does not trouble me in the stomach, not eating food after the diet.

 Do not expect to become rapid.

Previous counsel, begs the question: Why can not I have a week? Then a miracle happened on Sunday. After the diet normally nourished, but I began to lose weight, and significantly. The reason: a small portion of food intake and reduced diets stomach accustomed. The following week, mind you, I continued the same, a small amount of food intake and fat cells have been "eating each other started" :)
 Do not starvation diets.

Diet, which still hunger after a meal - is ineffective. The diet should be tapped in the body's regulation, which deals with the nervous system. Diet, which killed a total hunger affects your psyche: everywhere gelandebat food, become more irritable, nervous and "stservuli".

Diets of each day you take your stand in the mirror and say to yourself something to compliment what you look good, Here's How to Become how gikhdeba these pants. Try to get you back to the positive side and not find "eup, I am not a cow, what meshveleba".

 Diets of the in house and remove the scales of centimeters. Dagitsqvitavt nerves!

If you suffer from + 20 kilograms of extra weight, not to the usual diet. You can start with: exercise, jogging in the morning, or in the gym, or going dancing, or just a lot of serinoba, or yoga (:)). But the best bet - contact a nutritionist, as a mere addition to the extra weight, it is possible, you have violated the metabolism, which is quite a serious problem.

All advises, if you want to lose weight - Do not eat after 6 pm. Who at 6-up work and  sheagnebino and the house (becoming) should not eat ?! My advice: just try to sleep at least 3 hours before eating.

Do not sit on a diet  

We all know harmful to health and fattening and destroys the body, but have you ever thought about how many calories a dip (dough flesh; oily juice) manveneblia really  but that is the topic of the post-speak.

P.S. I know that many people were disappointed because they thought that a diet waiting for them, but I want to tell you: I can give advice on diet and ration items will depend on you.

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