By Healthy Figures
Ghababi chamotselil the skin, which has lost its elasticity and density. In addition, its foot-thick layer of fat often accumulates. If ghababma emerged at a young age, is expected to 8-10 pounds of extra weight. However ghababi gamkhdarsa may also have a bent walking to prevent a relapse occurs. Over time, in the wrong position due to weakening of the muscles under the chin and the depletion of the lipid-filled fold.
If it is possible to get rid of some of its smaller ghababi simple exercise. Repeat the exercise several times each day and the result will be inevitable:
1. To raise so that the skin is well daichimos throat. She raised the lower jaw and mouth open and close several times.
2. Every morning towel soak in salty water, stir well and circular movements ghabab shock did the massage.
3. The purpose of prophylaxis, bedtime ghabab cream and elastic bandage Apply aikhviet.
By Healthy Figures
4. lie down on his back, and to raise the top. After reaching the maximum tension in the stop position within 20 seconds.
5. Perform in circular movements - from right to left and vice versa, which helps firming muscles below the chin carefully.
Finally, the best way of getting rid ghababis ubalishod sleep.