Today I tried to talk about incontinence -

If the urine comes incontinence  between myself I  incontinence do not know?

It's really embarrassing trouble.

Thus incontinence does not cover the au

The symptoms have difficulties.

 ★ What is urinary incontinence? ★

Typical causes of incontinence while muscle mass is reduced due to aging

But mainly from the symptoms of middle-aged women

Jimyeonseo quality loose obesity, childbirth, frequent sexual intercourse, etc.

I also can not tolerate the symptoms appear in the urine.

These symptoms occur because the symptoms are granted such an age or urinary incontinence,

If you do not care lovable figures'm even more.

Although incontinence is clearly a pathological symptom, but you do not need to be ashamed of here.

More than 100 million people in the world that women who suffer from urinary incontinence is a reality.

★ Let know about urinary incontinence types? ★

① stress urinary incontinence (stress incontinence)

The most representative and common incontinence is 80-90% of the urinary stress incontinence.
That is known as soy incontinence and abdominal pressure rises this situation,
Sneezing, or laughing, or up or down stairs, or jumping rope,
Aerobics, or in a situation that might happen on the ship, because the urinary incontinence
It called stress urinary incontinence.

② urge incontinence

By bladder contractions unusually sensitive to more than urine leakage.
Or more, while stress incontinence is caused by pelvic support muscles,
Urge incontinence is a normal anatomic structure, but it is unstable bladder muscles
(In this case, increasing urine Discussion quietly without urinary bladder muscle contraction
Chaya is there is suddenly occurs when the bladder contraction).

③ mixed incontinence and healthy figures

 healthy figures-Stress incontinence and  healthy figures urge incontinence in a mixed form,
If there is incontinence when coughing or laughing shop habitually frequent baths.
Over time, the bladder is increasingly unstable as to urge incontinence
In many cases from occurring.

④ leading incontinence

Overall, a common urinary incontinence is not less than 5%.
Most or neurologic abnormalities such as diabetes, after pelvic surgery, such as the uterus or rectum
Or for men with abnormal when there is a severe BPH
There is increase bladder very badly, more than normal bladder
Incontinence of urine increases and a flood of forms.

⑤ temporary incontinence

If treatment is to remove the possible cause of incontinence it is often missing in the case of incontinence.
Typical causes of temporary incontinence are older example of a drug overdose
Increased frequency and type of drugs, so you Do research on the drug.
Of particular use in the treatment of hypertension medication are also the same alpha-blockers, anticholinergics, muscle relaxants
Drugs that can cause incontinence.

Healthy Figures Is the most effective way to treat urinary -muscle -incontinence caused

Which will suffer from side effects and costs rather than using surgery or drugs

A vaginal tightening how to improve the leverage effect of exercise

The most effective way that can treat the symptoms without the side effects.

It is known as Kegel exercises are a good way to treat women's diseases

Women treat a variety of diseases caused by exercise therapy for urinary incontinence

The most effective exercise method that is being used.

Kegel exercises over how best to prevent incontinence causes

Fasteners can be improved and customarily When the Kegel exercises as usual

You can free women from a variety of diseases.

Healthy Figures   start Kegel exercises'm  women muscles tips hard to see the effects

Kegel exercises because the effect should be seen repeatedly running steadily for at least six months.

If you worry revealing a woman a fast and safe treatment for disease

Please check your symptoms and the type bosigil find the right treatment for yourself ~

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