Healthy Figures
Rational nutrition is an important condition for maintaining the health and the body's growth and development. The latest World Health Organization estimates 70% to determine the human health - lifestyle and nutrition. Proper nutrition allows us to avoid the risk of chronic diseases, maintain health, stay slender and youthful appearance. Healthy Figures

5 presents an unhealthy product, which foods can help you maintain good Healthy Figures,

Rational nutrition is an important condition for maintaining the health and the body's growth and development. The latest World Health Organization estimates 70% to determine the human health - lifestyle and nutrition. Proper nutrition allows us to avoid the risk of chronic diseases, maintain health, stay slender and youthful appearance.
5 presents an unhealthy product, which foods can help you maintain good health. image

1) white bread
Doctors and nutritionists believe that many of the origins and development of the disease associated with the use of white bread. People who constantly use the white bread, often develop cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine and oncological diseases.

2) fried foods
Fried food - french fries, chips, fried foods in large amounts of oil for many pet food, available almost everywhere and very gemrielitsaa, but a very negative impact on your body fat in the prepared dish. In extreme cases Enjoy fried cutlet.

3) white rice
Rice is an annual cereal plant family surname. Most people just assume that rice is a healthy food. White rice, as well as white bread can contribute to the accumulation of excess fat in your body, according to the weight gain. In addition, it has a low nutritional value.

4) white sugar
White sugar in large quantities leads to depression and fatigue. Necessary for the organism to get the desired amount of sugar from the fruit, which is much healthier. image

5) salt
Salt causes obesity, it catches the water in the body. First of all, this is a very bad impact on the nervous system. Second, when the language of the salt, it kills 200 cells sensitive to the tastes of selected, it turns out that people eat and not eat salt.

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