Nose- Skin Care Tip | Healthy Figures |
More often than not we like our nose. He sometimes seems too great, or buttoning a little; Sometimes too much of a shine, sometimes red, sometimes too is raised - in a word, we do not like and want to change its shape. This desire can be fulfilled. In addition to the well-known plastic surgery, nasal problems can be addressed in a more martivada, for example, with the help of hair style. Deep curly little nose, swelled hair; Long nose requires classical styles: soft, loosely covered with hair, rolled up in large waves. At the same time, making makeup, nose powder to be darker than the other parts of his face; Lips should not be highlighted - it is better pronounced eyes look (do so carefully to movkhazot eyebrows, carefully davivartskhnot eyelashes, to keep track of, the eyes are always healthy and purified to be. Nose shine shepudvrit can not be fixed. Nasal powder commonly used by the nose to form a fatty, Powders unevenly covered island, which is not very pleasant shesakhedavia. was the best person for dabanva boiled water and lower case the alkaline soap. Sometimes, it's good nose rubbing gasapnuli tooth brush (to do small circular movements of the nose tip from nestoebisa to. massage is good as well as wheat or almond bran from almonds prepared porridge . Finally, the nose should be washed with cold water, which added the lemon juice.
* Person- Skin Care Tip | Healthy Figures |

Beautiful lips and healthy teeth, the best kind of jewelery. Therefore, they especially need to watch. Lipstick to your lips can give them the look over; But we should not forget that the lips are more attractive when the natural color is painted. Forced to change the shape of the lips and the exotic look of lipstick use unnatural impression and aging woman. The lips of a tooth brush with a soft massage.

Colour cosmetics for lips, but it does not mean that every woman knows to use it properly. Lipstick color is very important to use it properly. Of great importance for the correct selection of the color of lipstick, lip brush to circle precisely, a special pencil or lipstick tip end and then, to get rid of extra paint, through the use of a paper napkin. A person can davapataraot, if we leave the colored angles. So we must cover the lips with lipstick, to speak or to laugh at the not painted lips looked pale mucous membrane, which is very appealing. If you want to make that long shegrchet lipstick on the lips, the first application to the lips lightly and then again daipudrot gadaisvat lipstick. Bedtime is necessary to get rid of lipstick, used for vegetable or cocoa butter and jelly, depending on what and how much more do you have dry lips. If giskdebat lips, and gets the gekertslebat, they need to be softened. In such cases it is useful to use hygienic lipstick.

* Ghababi- Skin Care Tip | Healthy Figures |

Ghababis appearance often led us to blame ourselves, we read in bed with his head looped around a pillow, looking down while walking, head down, work at vkhrit chin and rely on the chest. This is all very bad habits. To always hold to the neck - stretched out, chin slightly raised upward. The woman who holds himself properly, younger look.

Ghababis anti exercises- Skin Care Tip | Healthy Figures |

* Daeqrdenit elbow on the table and chin onto hands, raised her hands above the chin. After chin help make a hands down. During hands to feel the resistance.

* Freely holding hands himself in the chest. Raise your head tsrismagvari motion to the left, then back to the starting position. Movement should be free, it should fall to its own gravity.

* May also be the head of a circle. In this exercise, the performance of the circle marking the breath, exhale his landing.

* Daitsqvet hands behind his neck, inhaled, rotate the chin to the right, then to the left. Exhale.

* Put one hand behind his neck, the other a hold on the chin, bowed, inhaled, atsit hand towards himself, chin move forward - exhale. Breath should be as long, as long as the air is enough. These exercises should be performed at a slow pace, sitting position. At this time, the balance is protected and the freer movement.

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