HIV slowly progressive disease that is characterized by CD4 + lymphocytes in the human body klebit.  Viru-si invasion damage the immune (defense) system, resulting in a significantly weaker. Healthy Figures 
Society HIV oust train people, because he has a fear, which originates from the history of ighebs.tavdapirvelad  That is why many infected persons have been fatal. Consequently, people started to have the death and the cause of the unconscious. However, after the medical supervision patients can live for many a years for actively.

Princesses Diana HIV: aids not dangerous for people. You can take away their hand and embraced clinically described in the United States in 1981, when gay men were diagnosed between consecutive rare disease in some other occasion and the circumstances of the present infection is mainly associated with a group of three, which is in turn associated with stigmastan-   behavior with men, injecting drug users and   workers.

According to official data, the five continents of the world's AIDS registered in 206 countries. The AIDS   Viru-s infected 25 million people, 90% of - them were infected through   contact. (70% of  ,   unions, while 10% comes from).  

1) unprotected vaginal, oral or anal intercourse, which is supported by the traditionally low demand for condoms or irregular consumption.

2) through transfusion of infected blood in the human body to get done by a non-sterile medical instruments or the use of drugs in common use needle

3) program which includes perinatal HIV infection or AIDS from mother to infant infection. 

Symptoms of the   Viru-s:

Unexplained increase in the temperature of more than 30 days long;
Lymph nodes;
 Strong weakness;
Dark red spots on the skin and mucous membranes;
Prolonged pneumonia (pneumonia), which is usually not subject to treatment;
Sweating, especially at night;
The white plaque in the mucosa of the mouth;
Pathological effects in the central nervous system, and so forth.
How AIDS diagnosis?

The laboratory diagnosis of human infection in various ways, but the main means of HIV antibodies in the blood and the determination of is subject to screening or diagnosis. Among the widespread screening methods. Sec. "Fast / simple" methods of antibody detection and ELISA analysis. Infection screening method proven to be the subject of a verification or confirmatory diagnosis. Nowadays confirma tory methods are among the most accurate method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR itself is of two types: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods are used to being in the early stages of infection, infection of the newborn screening and diagnosis of uncertain results reveal. The quantitative method allows to determine the number of   Viru-s in the body, which contributes to the effectiveness of the treatment.

In order to not become infected with HIV, the following preventive measures:

Casual   contacts at a time to use condoms;
Blood and blood products investigation of unsafe blood transfusion vital signs if necessary testing of donated blood transfusions before;
Preferably pregnant women tested for HIV infection;
Properly informing the public dissemination of the disease, and most importantly, the main way to tackle the stigma. It is desirable to remove taboos and children of small age appropriate credentials speak for healthy lifestyles, drugs, and   life and other important issues.

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