Unusual fruit - apples, which vitamins are a natural source, the healing, the body's nourishing, various disease fighter, the unique "doctor" and immune system improvement: fruit, which is the largest amount of iron present and this is the reason why we are urging doctors to people of all ages a large number of mirtmevas this fruit. Healthy Figures 
Apple adaptogenic complex: fructose, and the B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.
Each of these has its purpose, including wonder what the role of the processes in the body vitaminta collection.

This microelement, which includes apples, regulate the brain, strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, eradicates toxins, improves - Gastrointestinal work and most importantly - prevents the aging process.
Especially to green apples, which are dietebshi referred to as a low-calorie, which has diuretic properties and can quickly lead to a feeling of fullness.
As for this wonderful fruit in the potassium, it is ideal for weight loss, because the potassium light solvent. Even vitamin can enhance the immune system and quickly eradicates pollutants, it contains soluble and insoluble cells, apple skin is too much cellulose pulp - in pectin, with all the blocks feelings of hunger

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