In springtime, the young daughters of the skin relax, lose flexibility and Skin Relax Healthy Figures
Healthy-looking skin, because the entire body, as well as skin needs vitamins supply. Offer a remarkably effective folk remedy that will help you have a captivating beauty.
* Finely pressing fresh cucumbers, place the bottle and pour the vodka. Place the mixture in 2 weeks in the sun. Then, soak a little piece of the solution and wipe the face, morning and evening. For several days after the notice that the skin gadatketsili, gentle and color will become Skin Relax Healthy Figures.
* A raw egg yolk to mix one teaspoon of honey and the same amount of glycerin, a mass of well gasriset, so as to become homogeneous. Apply to face and leave on for 1-2 hours. Then rinse first with warm and then cold water. I will look fresh, wrinkles are improved. The mixture, which mogrchebat, place in the refrigerator and repeat mask 2-3 times a week Skin Relax Healthy Figures.
Generally, spring pay special attention to the face, do dainanebt application sour cream, milk, butter. When the kitchen preparing something, cheeks, nose, forehead, chin Apply potato, beet, cucumber slices, because
Winter and spring, the skin needs a meal.
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