For those with a more diluted and the hair falls off, contact the folk medicine. Use the hair root protection tips.
 How to a  strengthen our hair roots health and figures
1 per share mravaldzarghvas, Sage and nettle mixture pour a glass of boiling water, stir and leave for 1 hour. Add the bread drink black heart. Massage the mixture of warm hair root, and then on top of polyethylene tubing and a terry from tsaikarit headscarf. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Then rinse it off with warm water and get rid of the hair.
2 oak bark and leaves of onions pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 1 equal number of hours at a very low heat, and stir gaatsivet. Dampen the hair infusion. 2 hours later to wash with warm water.

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