To preserve the beauty of the woman, should pay special attention to the face and skin care. Every day, after washing the skin cream suitable for use and once a week on the face mask, a woman gives a guarantee.
Face mask before the conclusion of a well to wash. Leave the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse first with warm, then cold water. Gently pat dry with a towel and apply appropriate facial skin
Face masks for normal skin: Healthy Figures

Mask cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese 1 tablespoon Open
Re the spoon.
Egg yolk mask - egg well gatkvipet Healthy Figures
Heart, add 10 drops of olive oil and 5 drops of lemon juice.
Honey Mask - gatkvipet egg 1 teaspoon honey
Along with the heart.
Mask Assorted   2 egg yolk, 3 teaspoon honey,
1 teaspoon of sour cream, 2 teaspoons cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon milk to mix with each other.

Facial masks for dry skin:

Mask cottage cheese - 1 teaspoon fresh cottage cheese 1 Open
One teaspoon of fresh cream and add 1 teaspoon of carrot juice.
Creamy mask - 1 teaspoon cream 1 teaspoon Open
Spoon of carrot juice. To apply a thin layer and leave on for 10 minutes.
Honey mask - 1 teaspoon honey gatkvipet well, add a little milk.
Cucumber mask - 2 teaspoon grated cucumber add
1 teaspoon fresh milk.

Facial masks for oily skin:

Yeast mask - 1 teaspoon yeast 1 Open
Tablespoon of warm milk.

Apple mask - add 1 tablespoon of grated apples
Dissolving the egg white and 1 teaspoon
Potato flour.
Stir in the flour mixture and milk and honey equal
Apply on the face of porridge. Half an hour later, rinse off the mask of chamomile infusion.
This mask is recommended for older skin.

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Healthy Figures

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