Healthy Figures
The aging process is inevitable and that we should not try, can not prevent, but proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle through the coming of old age, a little bit can be set aside or reduce the signs. Here are below 6 product, which makes it possible for you to be always in shape, feel and look young. Healthy Figures

1. yogurt. Healthy Figures

Yogurt contains bifidobacteria, which improve the functioning of the digestive system, helps to avoid intestinal infections. Yogurt is a large amount of calcium, which strengthens bones and prevents them from diseases that often occur with age.

2. fish. Healthy Figures

Many elderly people suffer from heart disease. But if your diet in advance, you activate the fish, often to avoid such problems. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which clears cholesterol from the arteries, resulting in a normal heart rhythm is maintained and work.

3. Nuts. Healthy Figures
 Nuts reduces heart disease and cancer risk. At the same time, rich in vitamins and minerals, which act as antioxidants.

4. chocolate.Healthy Figures

Chocolate characterized plavanolis content, thus ensuring the normal functioning of the circulatory system. Therefore, helps us to overcome diseases like high blood pressure, thrombosis, stroke, liver problems.

5. olive oil.Healthy Figures

Olive oil contains of  antioxidants and polipenolebsa tips by healthy figures , which helps prevent age-related diseases. In addition, he has the nut reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.Healthy Figures

6. red wine.Healthy Figures

Red wine contains resveratrol substance, which slows down the aging process in the body cells. Thus, 50 ml per day. Red wine you naturally ikhangrdzlivebt youth. At the same dose of alcohol protects us from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and multiple sclerosis it.Healthy Figures

But, keep in mind, in addition to proper nutrition, it is necessary to maintain the spirit of young people stay young. Do itsutsunebt, Think good, often laughed and old age could not defeat you.

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