What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks leads to a sharp increase in weight and a rapid increase in the abdomen during pregnancy. Non-pregnant women stretch marks can occur in a short period of time a significant increase in weight. Men stretch marks or a period of rapid growth in kulturisteb (Bodybuilding) muscle mass fast rise time.

How to avoid weeping?

Specialists advise us to use conventional moisturizing cream, lotion or oil. Nowadays there are a lot of specially designed for pregnant women stretch preventive care, but their advantage is not proven. America was popular almond oil, rubbing the stomach, because I thought that this was the best oil to prevent stretch marks. It was later discovered that almond oil caused premature birth and its use has been banned. Therefore, do not advise you to use a variety of plants and flower oils / greases.

Stretch marks treatment

Initially, stretch marks on the skin of red color and sharply expressed. Over time, the stretch marks fade and become less noticeable.
Stretch is used to treat a number of cosmetics:

• retinol containing cream (Retin-A)
• Glycolic acid cream shemtsvelli
• Chemical peels
• Laser

Retinol containing cream (Retin-A) by spetsialeistebis, is considered a standard treatment for stretch marks. This cream is not permissible for pregnant women.

Do not get tanned

Some people think that stretch marks can be covered through the garuj. This is not true, because the sun-kissed stretch marks can be seen more clearly. Therefore, the summer to use sunscreen creams.
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