When a thrombus in coronary arteries and blood flow is stopped, patient experiences severe pain in the heart. In this situation of foreign literature in popular language is called a heart attack, myocardial infarction is the medical term for its matching. "Myo" means muscle, "cardio" - heart, and "infarction" is the lack of oxygen due to infarction.

Just like anyone else, are constantly in need of the heart muscle of oxygen. Its deficiency affects the heart muscle cells, which leads to the sensation of pain and pressure. If the coronary vessels of the heart to nourish the blood circulation is not restored, the heart muscle cells die and the heart muscle scar is formed, which is not muscular, but the connective tissue structure. The heart muscle of oxygen deficiency may be a sharp regular heart rhythm, or arrhythmia due to violation of the turn. It is possible that some of the fatal arrhythmia.

Changes in coronary arteries.

Then a heart attack occurs when one or more of such sin damages his arteries that nourish the heart with oxygen-rich blood. Coronary arteries in the coronary arteries is called. They are really like a crown erupting heart. Coronary arteries can constrain the accumulation of cholesterol in atherosclerotic plaque formation and as a result, so-called due.

Atherosclerosis atherosclerotic plaque rupture due to heart attacks and coronary artery arising in this area leads to the formation of a blood clot. If a clot is large, coronary artery blood flow is stopped. Pro rare cause of heart attacks and coronary artery spazmia which the blood supply to the heart muscle decreases. It should be noted that cocaine may cause life-threatening convulsions iktsdes.

What happens myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction is the final stage of the process, which is usually a few hours of being. Every minute of the heart muscle more and more a part of experiencing blood shortages, which is why the injured and dying. If the heart's blood supply was restored in time, damage can be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether.

Years ago, myocardial infarction often performed death. Today, improved methods for the treatment of symptoms of a heart attack, and the interpretation of its significance, the majority of patients after a heart attack, life keeps. Lifestyles - in character, intensity of physical exercise, stress factors - is of great importance for the recovery of the patient after a heart attack.

The most common symptoms of a heart attack:
Tightening, pressure or tightness and pain behind the breast bone, which is a few minutes;
Pain that spreads from the chest neck, shoulder, back, in some cases - of the lower jaw and teeth;
Frequent episodes of pain in the heart;
Prolonged pain in the upper abdomen;
Shortness of breath;
Feeling faint;
Nausea and vomiting.

Specialists note that women have different symptoms of a heart attack may be carried out. In addition to the above features, is expected to:
Abdominal pain or heartburn;
Cold sweat;
Unusual and seemingly unexplained weakness.

These symptoms are expressed to different degrees in different cases. Heart attacks are not as dramatic as the films are shown. Some people have no symptoms. Ulee's attack can occur at work or recreation, rest and physical activity. Sometimes suddenly starts, but mostly preceded by symptoms that make it hours, days, even kviraobita ahead. Early symptoms can be a precursor to an attack on the most recurrent chest pain, which occurs physically tense, while the rest is reduced.

When to turn to the medical establishment
Many heart attack, losing precious time, because you can not or do not realize the importance of the symptoms to the doctor, to prevent "wasted" visit. In fact, the most important factors that increase the chance for survival, a medical facility in time to come. It is estimated that about half of heart attack victims die in attack in the first hour. Do not leave without attention to the symptoms of a heart attack, especially if their duration exceeds 5 minutes. Immediately call an ambulance or go to the nearest clinics.

Diagnostic examinations
Regular examinations are necessary, the doctor can determine the risk factors, which may be a reason for a heart attack, but our then apply to the doctor, when a heart attack has already begun. At this time, in addition to the patient's examination, conducted a series of studies, which helps us to determine what is the true cause of the patient's complaints. This research is:
Some of the enzyme activity of the blood;
Echocardioscopy - through to determine whether the damaged area of ​​the heart is and how it is compressed;
Angiography - shows coronary artery narrowing or blockage. The catheter through a leg artery to move their heart and coronary vessels, the injected contrast agent, resulting in the arteries of the X-ray apparatus appears. Additionally, it is possible to treat the blockage of the arteries - a cylinder is blocked coronary expansion (balloon dilatation) or special artery stent to install, maintain and provide some protection from a new situation in which the enlarged artery oppression.
Myocardial infarction of the heart muscle arising from complications related to the momentous changes. It can cause:
Arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, and sometimes - fatal;
Heart failure - might damage the heart muscle is so important that the heart can no longer perform its basic function - can no longer pump blood throughout the body. This occurs due to shortness of breath, weakness, swelling of the lower extremities. Heart failure may mokhsnistanave ukuganvitardes attack, but it is quite possible the emergence of chronic renal failure, which is the result of damage to the heart muscle strong.
A rupture of the heart - heart attack as a result of weakened heart muscles may crack. This situation quickly ends in death.
Valve damage - infarction due to valve damage can lead to life-threatening complications.

The patient, who has a heart attack, no time to lose. Remember: every moment of growth of damaged and dead cells. Get an ambulance arrived nitroglycerine, avoid unnecessary movements. Heart attack medicine:
Aspirin - This drug may offer emergency medical personnel. It reduces blood platelet aggregation and helps us to narrowed coronary blood flow does not stop.
Thrombolytic drugs - they dissolves blood clots in the blood vessels in the. Thrombolytic drugs for use in the early growth of the heart muscle damage and reduce the quality of a patient's chance of survival.
Anticoagulation other means. 
Blood gamatkhierebel other means. May be used for heparin, which increases the fluidity of blood and reduces the likelihood of the new formation of blood clots. Heparin is administered intravenously or subcutaneously with a needle. It is normally used in the first days of myocardial infarction.
Analgesic drugs - when the pain is strong, it aqucheben morphine.
Nitroglycerin - this drug, which is used to treat angina, dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow to the heart temporarily and the heart.
Beta-blockers. This facilitates the work of heart drugs, since reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure. Beta-blockers can reduce damage to the heart muscle and repeated attacks.
Cholesterol lowering drugs. They reduce unwanted blood, e. Sec. Bad cholesterol.

If the goal of Emergency myocardial infarction of the heart muscle to prevent further damage, the treatment aims to restore a heart attack and prevention of recurrence. This is the goal of rehabilitation, which is drug therapy, lifestyle change and emotional sphere of influence. Rasodes is the late start of the measures by which it is possible to avoid a heart attack. Prophylaxis, even when the patient has already had an attack. This is particularly important in terms of medical treatment.

How to Change Lifestyle
Myocardial infarction recovery and to prevent a repeat attack:
Stop smoking.
Ikontrolet blood cholesterol levels.
If you have diabetes, blood glucose levels regularly ikontrolet.
Regularly announced to the doctor for preventive examinations.
Ikontrolet blood pressure.
Exercise regularly.
Maintain a normal body weight.
Follow the principles of healthy eating.
Avoid stress.
You refused alcoholic beverages.

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