Healthy  Figures
As you know, it's hard to care what a woman's hair. Especially when he is unruly, frizzy and damaged. Today really is not difficult for all types of hair and scalp for shampoo selection. If you use expensive shampoos, the result is not the same as the shampoo advertisements, not to worry, everything can be improved. First of all, make sure that you really are buying a shampoo for your hair type. There is a dry / oily / normal / oily hair (more correct to say: his skin) types. Normal hair shine, elastic, easily arranged and manage. He maintains a clean look in a few days. If you wash your hair the next day like a dirty and unhealthy, matte luster, the oily type. Matte dry hair, lifeless complexion, easily itsetseba being played, badly manage. Mixed with greasy hair roots, and ends with - dry. So let's say I want to advise you a cozy home in the method of hair. As you know, our hair in the winter and in general, the body lacks vitamins. Besides the fact that you can have vitamin product, it also can be used for external purposes, not sparing the hair applied, started:
 Healthy  Figures

1 mayonnaise mask softens and abzinebs hair. Take 100 grams. Mayonnaise, add 1 tablespoon of vodka (I'm not adding onto a) and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Massage into wet hair and leave on for 20-30tsuti. Wrap a towel from the top of the park. Rinse with warm water. This type of mask is particularly dry hair plate.

2 Take chamomile flowers (pharmacy sale, worth up to 2) and pour the water tsamoadughet that will cool you used. Define the points, should come out of the overview. This broth blonde hair especially abzinebs, muktmianebsa to work for us.Healthy  Figures 

3 Chamomile while sunbathing in the mix, or take a separate egg yolk and massage into wet hair. Rinse well.

4 bay leaves broth strengthens hair roots (ie the opposite of hair loss) mustard powder also has a good health effect. Take 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. The mass produce mash Apply to wet hair. Sheikhviet polyethylene liner and moikhviet from the towel, take a few minutes to gaitbet Hair dryer. His skin to agetsvat, but not so much that a "catch fire" Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse.

5 colorless Khna also very effective. Natural Khna is not entirely clear, the hair is a little redness to destruction, but the result is guaranteed in terms of healing. Plants with roots and made it good. (I am talking about the colorless). Opening khnas little powder into the water and wet hair tsaisvamt. I would vichereb 1 hour. 1 hour, then rinsed off. It strengthens hair roots and hair treatment at the damaged structure.

6 It is good to wash the vinegar and nettle Despite the. Softens and abzinebs hair. Olive, rose or jasmine oil shampoo can be mixed (1 s / spoon)
7 honey to pour water on top of the one who does not hesitate to have daenaneba, shampooed hair can apply to room-temperature beer. 7-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 1-2 times a week to undergo the procedure. Beer and flaking abzinebs hair.

8 Hours before his bathing water chaalbet black bread. Rub bread soaked hair roots and the entire length of the hair together. Wrap hair in a plastic bag and leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, ushampunod. Bread strengthens mask, thicken hair, add shine to.

9 There are shampoos that contain black bread, olive oil, nettle extract and if you can find in this kind of shampoo, the same ingredients prepared the mask is no longer needed.

10 during washing, brushing hair a bad idea, with warm water to wash the hair roots and gapartovebulia more hair fall than necessary. It is best to wash your hair before daivartskhnot.zogadad, recommended for dry hair twice a week and once a week to wash the oily. If every day to wash, shampoo only 3 times a week use. Do not wash the hair gaitsurot. Drying the layer, that is bad for the folks know.

11 curly hair wash then surely men for balm. Dry hair - Conditioner.
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